Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The End of TT

Cue the somber music.

TT is over.

Yep, turbulent traveling is over for me and its back to work beginning wednesday nite in toronto.

I have so much in store for www.ttmembers.com, www.workoutmanuals.com, and of course www.turbulencetraining.com

New programs, new interviews, new bonuses and new experts...plus plenty of new videos.

I'm finishing this post from the Sydney airport. I put another 10 kilometers on my walking journey last night, and even a little this morning after breakfast.

Sydney is a lot like toronto. A lot of starbucks, very multicultural, a little uppity and appearance based, but everyone seems relatively friendly and in a good mood.

Both cities are busy, but not NYC-busy. Each has a tower for easy landmarking.

I think Sydney might be a bit more active with people taking part in outdoor activities, but I've also found that more young women in Sydney tend to smoke - and trust me, in the name of science I'm looking at as many as possible.

Other than that, the temperature is just a little different, that's the big one!

Now to watch 5 movies between sydney and LA,


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