Friday, December 29, 2006

Morning Cardio - Necessary for Weight Loss?

The TT New Year's kick-off promo ends tonight at midnight over at

Don't miss out on your chance to get an extra 16-weeks of bonus workouts AND exclusive exercise reports from two of the most respected fitness authorities, Tom Venuto and Nick Nilsson.

Visit immediately to claim your bonuses!

Q: I read that it is best to do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, so that you burn more fat. Is this true?

Thanks for the email. I touched on this in the last Q'n'A, but it is always worth going over again.

Here's the deal.

9 times out of 10, exercising first thing in the morning wont' help you lose fat faster. On the other hand, it probably won't make you lose muscle (which has always been one of the knocks against early morning cardio).

You might burn a little bit more fat proportionally, but in the big picture, that probably doesn't mean much.

But there's only one way for you to find out. Give it a try for 3-4 weeks. That will be enough time for you to make a solid judgement about this training method and how it works for YOU.

I've found that simply following the TT for Fat Loss program of strength training followed by interval training has worked as well or better (and always faster) than the slow cardio approach.

"Craig, I have finished my first official month of Turbulence Training yesterday and can't tell you how impressed I am with the results. I am down 7 pounds and 6.5"!!! I am wearing a shirt for the first time that I got for Christmas last year, it never fit before. I can't beleive I feel this good and I am just getting started, can't imagine what I am gonna feel like at 300, 250, 200, wow can't even fathom."
Josh Manley

Q: You mention the importance of a social support group for fat loss. What is this and why is it important?

Research shows that when women have a social support group, they tend to stick with their exercise program longer.

Makes total sense, right? If all you have around you are negative nancy's trying to tempt you into skipping workouts and eating crap, then it will be hard to succeed.

But if you surround yourself with a good trainer, a supportive doctor, and encouraging friends and family, then you will have a greater chance of losing fat fast and forever.

The research from Stanford U. shows that the professionals (i.e. trainer, doctor, nutritionist) are the most important part of your support group. So choose them wisely. Feel free to include me in your group and email me your questions.

Then get your family, friends, and co-workers on board with your goals.

Q: I have new clients that get sore knees after squatting. I don't think they are doing anything wrong. Any suggestions?

We should be able to take some of the stress off the knees by having them squat like they are sitting back into a chair. That means starting the squat by pushing the hips back and then bending the knees second. Sit back. This loads the hips more and the knees less.

If the problem still exists, then they probably simply need to lose fat (so there is less pressure on the knees overall), build the muscles around the knee joint with floor bodyweight exercises, reduced Range-of-Motion standing bodyweight exercises, and maybe even some hamstring curls.

Also, we need to look at their nutrition and lifestyle to make sure that they are eliminating all sources of inflammation and increasing anti-inflammatory nutrients. Nutrition and living the Turbulence Training lifestyle can play a big part in helping to reduce knee pain.

The countdown to New Year's is on,


P.S. I can't hold your bonuses...
Due to the overwhelming number of orders we are dealing with, we can't make any exceptions for late orders on the TT bonuses. If you can't order by midnight, EST, tonight, I'm afraid I can't hook you up with the bonuses.

So go there now and get all 4 bonus products plus all of the great TT info that comes in the regular package.

The TT New Year's kick-off promo ends tonight at midnight over at

Don't miss out on your chance to get an extra 16-weeks of bonus workouts AND exclusive exercise reports from two of the most respected fitness authorities, Tom Venuto and Nick Nilsson.

Visit immediately to claim your bonuses!

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