Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another Weight Loss TT Audio

Here's another weight loss audio interview I did with Kyle Battis...he asked some great questions...enjoy!

Here's Kyle's message...

"Fusion Of Bodyweight Exercises and Dumbbell Exercises Creates A Killer Turbulence Training Fat Loss Workout That Can Be Done Anywhere - Anytime...


"Craig Ballantyne Reveals New 'Fusion' Workout In This 5-Minute Audio...

"Fitness Expert Craig Ballantyne told me about a new workout program that he just created that will:--Help accelerate fat loss...--Improve flexibility!--Eliminate back pain... --And help improve athletic performance All at the same time!
Come listen to Craig talk about this workout:

The awesome thing about this workout is that it can be done Anywhere! Even in the most crowded gyms or in the most poorly equipped home gym. A leaner physique is close at hand with this 'Fusion' workout.

Check it out:

Talk to you soon,

--Kyle Battis CSCS, NSCA-CPTPS-

2007 is right around the corner.

If you arenot psyched about the current state of your body I can assure you that Craig's TurbulenceTraining e-book can help you create your bestbody ever:

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