Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Fat Loss Audio Interview - Weight Loss/Turbulence Training for Women

Here's a message from my friend Kyle Battis about an interview that he and I did - that you can listen to for free.

But first, a TT female testimonial...

"Hi Craig, I purchased Turbelence Training in November 2006 and have been using it for about 6 weeks now. Along with the workouts and all the nutritional information I am finding at your site and grrl athlete I have reached my lowest weight yet and more importantly I didn't starve or over work myself. Working opposing muscle groups is what my body needed and it is responding well. I can now do 10 pushups on my toes for each set and I have noticed muscle development in my chest which I could not get before TT. At 46 years old I feel that I can reach a level of fitness that I didn't think was possible and I don't have to be a slave to working out. It is true that your workouts can be done in 45 minutes which leaves a lot more time for enjoying life. thanks."
Cindy Casella

Check out Kyle's message and the audio below...


Want a Figure Model physiqe? If so, I have an audio that you'll want to listen to you (that is, if you do want a lean, sexy body).

There is just so much 'BAD' informationout there for women when it comes togetting fit My friend Craig Ballantyne has a workout that he wants to share withyou This is the same workout that models,actresses, and high-profile celebritiesused to transform their physiques (and they paid him a lot of money for it!)


For a limited time you can get yourhot little hands on this same workoutbecause Craig is giving it away to anyone that picks up a copy of hiskiller "Turbulence Training" bookIf you don't have this book then youneed to get a copy - it's that good! This is one of the best fat loss workouts out there and I am a hugefan of this type of trainingCome on over and listen to Coach B.share his fat loss wisdom:


Kick off the New Year in style andcreate your Best Body ever!

Train with purpose,
--Kyle Battis CSCS, NSCA-CPTPS-

Only for the next three days can you get your hands on thisspecial Turbulence Training forWomen workout so come on over and get it all right:

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