Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cellulite, Love Handles, Lower Abs, & Cardio for Fat Loss

What happens when you combine Turbulence Training with Tom Venuto'sMission: Abdominals and one of Nick Nilsson's innovative reports on"The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of?"

You get the single most effective killer of cellulite, lovehandles, and lower ab fat. It's that simple.
If you are interested in losing fat as quickly as possible in thecomfort of your own home, using simple workouts that can easily bedone first thing in the morning or after your children go to bed,without endless hours of cardio, fancy equipment or expensivesupplements, then this will be the most important email you readthis year.

If you haven't picked up Turbulence Training for Fat Loss yet, I'moffering a big incentive in this email for you to get started ASAP.(But hurry, this offer ends at midnight, on Friday, Dec. 29th!).

Here's why I'm writing to you today...

I've put together the ultimate Turbulence Training package thatcontains not only 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts, fourweeks of starter-bodyweight only workouts, and a 60-minute audiointerview on how to maximize your results in minimum time withTurbulence Training.

But more importantly, I want to give you even more top-notchfitness and fat loss information. So I've hounded two of theInternet's top fitness gurus, Tom Venuto & Nick Nilsson to helpme out and make the already incredible Turbulence Training packageeven more effective.

When putting together this additional package of info, I wanted toget the absolute best bonus material I could find. I scoured all ofthe Internet fitness sites, reading plenty of fat loss articles,and time and time again I was led back to two names: Tom Venuto &Nick Nilsson.

Tom and Nick agreed to reveal their most in-demand,full-to-the-brim of fat loss information, one-of-a-kind reports -but only for the next 3 days. They want them back after Friday, soyou have to get in on this offer immediately.

(By the way, Nick has never allowed his report to be used as abonus ever before!)

First, let's take a look at what the legendary Tom Venuto agreed to tell you:

Bonus #1) Mission: Abdominals by Tom Venuto
If you don't know who Tom Venuto is, then you are missing out onthe most honest, from the trenches, scientifically supportedfat-burning and ab sculpting information ever revealed in thefitness world. He goes behind the scenes to teach you everythingabout finally getting a set of 6-pack abs. He'll tell whichsupplements are downright rip-offs, as well as give you theexperience-proven, time-tested approach to training your abs forboth men and women.

And here's what Nick provided:

Bonus #2) The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Nick Nilsson is known all around the world for his innovativeexercises and practical information in his newsletters and on hiswebsite.

His report shows you how to break boredom in your workouts whilegetting more results in less time. Nick's exercises will help youbuild muscle and lose fat, but with fun total body exercises thatcan be done with a home gym. As such, it's an incredible bonus toadd to this package.

So thanks to these fat loss gurus, you'll get both reports to helpcrank up your fat loss. But wait, that's not all. You'll also getmy 2 latest monthly workouts:

Bonus #3) 8-Week Turbulence Training for Women Program

With both beginner and advanced versions, this program serves as agreat add-on to the regular Turbulence Training program thathundreds of women have already used to lose fat and sculpt theirbodies. All of these workouts can be done at home with a bench, aball, dumbbells, and your own bodyweight.

Bonus #4) 8-week Turbulence Training Dumbbell-Bodyweight Fusion FatLoss Bonus
Men and women everywhere need to get more results in less time. Andin some cases, these men and women don't even have time to get tothe gym! That is just one reason why bodyweight workouts are soimportant to busy, on-the-go people that are looking to lose fat.

This workout bonus combines dumbbell and bodyweight exercises tohelp you finish your workouts faster. By going directly fromdumbbell to bodyweight exercises means that you spend less timesetting up and more time burning fat.

You'll be amazed what these simple combination exercises can do foryour metabolism.
So those are the four TIME-LIMITED bonuses that I'm offering foronly 72 hours, starting today, Wednesday, Dec. 27th.

ALL of these, PLUS the regular TT for Fat Loss goodies, includingthe 1-hour audio interview, if you order Turbulence Training beforeFriday, Dec. 29th at midnight.

"It amazes me that I'll be 45 with 3 kids and I'm 5'4" weighing 114lbs now (lean). Thanks again for an amazing result. I love it."
Annabelle Logan

"Recently I have used his TT for Fat Loss program and lost 20lbs offat while increasing my lean body mass and getting much stronger. Not only does Craig guide you through his work outs, he offersnutritional advice, lifting tempos and exercise descriptions withvisuals to help with form. With the amount of information in thisprogram it would be almost impossible not to succeed."
Rick Dunseith

Head over to and get started today.

"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just falling off me. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still havemore to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big dealfor me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would getme such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams

The clock is ticking,

P.S. This offer ends at midnight on Friday - no exceptions.

So visit immediately.

And remember,you get everything in the Turbulence Training package (including a60-minute audio interview, 4-week Basic Bodyweight Workout, theTurbulence Training Nutrition Guidelines, and the TurbulenceTraining Fusion Fat Loss Workout), PLUS the four additional bonusreports mentioned above at:

Turbulence Training is...
"The single most effective fat loss training system in the world today. I've used it. I've studied it. It works faster and more effectively than any other method."
Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS, Men's Health Training Adviser

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