Friday, December 01, 2006

The Dental Floss Diet

Want to buy my book?

It's called the Dental Floss Diet. Comes with 2 packs of bonus dental floss, too.

Okay, so I don't have a book. And it's a silly name anyway...

But you know what, "The Dental Floss Diet" works.

Let me explain. As I write this, it's 11:45am and I'm eating my first lunch of salmon, a sweet potato, asparagus, and broccoli. Before this, I've had:
- 2oz pecans
- 1 apple
- 3 eggs
- 1 grapefruit
- 2oz beef jerkey
- 2oz almonds

Now, save for the eggs, what does everything else have in common?

They all hang around in your teeth...eww, gross, I know...but all of these foods require dental floss after you eat them. (And yes, I do use it, frequently.)

Fruits, vegetables, meat, and nuts - the 4 cornerstones of a nutrition plan based on whole, natural foods all get stuck in your teeth.

Compare that to muffins, breads, mashed potatoes, juice, soda, pasta, vending machine snacks, pastries, and other processed carbs. These get stuck ON your teeth (and your hips?), but not IN your teeth. Each one of those foods is only a step or two above pure sugar in the carbohydrate food chain. So eliminate these from your diet and stick to whole, natural foods.

Yes, I know, this is the same message I teach week in and week out, but I hope a little humor might be an alternative way to get the message through.

So remember, if you won't need to floss it out, then throw it out from your food plan.


P.S. We just finalized the awesome new look of the website...
And I'm working everyday on adding content to the new membership area, which will also include a forum for TT users.

I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...

a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97. That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

But remember, this is a LIMITED TIME OFFER, and could expire at any time.

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