Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nutrition for Fat Loss Q'n'A

Each week, and even each day, I recommend that you strive to improve your nutrition in one particular way.

If you cook a lot of your foods on a "George Forman" grill or make a lot of omelets, the question of the best cooking spray is bound to come up.

I asked nutrition expert Dr. John Berardi, for his thoughts on cooking oils.

Q from CB: What is the best oil or spray to use for cooking?

Answer from JB:
Olive oil cooking spray is probably the best although if you're cooking at high temps the structure can break down, potentially damaging some of the fats and the antioxidants.

Now, this may not necessarily be harmful to human health although it does reduce the benefits of this great oil. So, I usually say this: cook with olive oil when setting your burner temp at medium or below. When the temp is higher than the medium setting, it's best to use a stable oil like coconut.

***Thanks JB. You can learn more from JB HERE

And don't miss Part 2 of my interview with John next Monday in my newsletter at www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Q: On the split squat (I'm assuming that is a stationary lunge right? Anyway what are the benefits with the front foot being elevated 6 inches? And is it the entire foot or just the heels elevated ?

Yes, stationary lunge is the same exercise as a split squat. The benefit of the front foot elevation is an emphasis on different muscle groups compared to a regular split squat. In this case, elevating that front foot increase the work done by the vastus medialis recruitment. That is the muscle group of the thigh just above the knee on the inside of the thigh. And yes, the whole foot is eleveated.

Q: I'm new to your site. What is Turbulence Training? How would you describe the workouts?

Turbulence Training is combination of more effective methods (Strength training and interval training) to help men and women get more effective fat loss results in less workout time.

TT uses supersets and interval training because they are time-saving methods. The workouts also only use the best exercises so that clients don't spend more than 3 hours per week in the gym.

Let me know if you have more specific questions.

Get in, get out, get lean,


P.S. More TT Feedback...
"I'm a trainer that likes to look at different ways to help my clients and add variety to my own workouts. I'm a big fan of bodyweight programs and have been using Turbulence Training bodyweight programs personally and with clients with very good results. The endless variety continues to challenge the system without stagnating and the intensity puts to bed the notion that an effective training session has to last an hour. It's more a philosophy than a program. Thanks."
Dan Purpura Bozeman, Montana

"Craig, got my 6week bodyfat test lost 10lbs of fat and gained 6lb of muscle, im proving you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time with your tt workout system, and nutrition plan."
Desmond Hardison,Las Vegas, NV

"One of the best things about Turbulence Training is the simplicity. There is no second guessing or room for error. The warm ups were a great alternative to the commonly suggested "walk on a treadmill for five minutes". Also, the body weight circuits are amazing! Once again, something so simple is so effective."
Nia Dunn

Click HERE to get TT for Fat Loss

"I have spent years--YEARS--going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, using a standard bodybuilding-type workout. My gains were flat, and my shape pretty much unchanged for the past couple of years. I stumbled upon Turbulence Training on an internet board and just had to try it--after buying the initial program, I loved it enough to pay for the TT membership. I recently finished the 8 week "booty for life" program and let me tell you--my "booty" is a bit more perky than it was two months previously. I highly recommend Craig's works--they work."
Tina Kinsley

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