Monday, November 27, 2006

Another 10-Minute Monday Workout

After a couple of hours rest from my lunchtime 10-minute workout, I decided to try another 10-minute workout later this afternoon. This time, using only bodyweight exercises.

That's the great thing about the 10-minute have the flexibility to do 1 or more per day, either back to back or spread apart. So if you know there is absolutely, positively no way you can workout tomorrow, you can do 2 10-minute workouts today.

I guarantee these workouts will help you get through the holiday season.

So I did a bodyweight circuit. Great stuff. Some nice hybrid exercises that not only burned calories but also worked on scapular mobility - which most desk jockeys need. You'll be loosened up after this one for sure.

Then we went to the dog park where the pooch did some sprints and wrestled with a bulldog. He's out like a light right now...


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