Monday, November 13, 2006

Monday workout - back to it

1) Deadlift (3x3) 365

Including 1 rep with a double overhand grip for 340

2a) wide-stance GM (3x6) 195
2b) incline bench (3x8) 185

2.5) Neutral grip chins with hamstring flexion (14)

3a) snatch bb row (3x12) - 145
3b) sledehammer swings (3x15)
3c) kb press (3x10)

Tough, good, might have taken too long, but I donbt pay attention to the clock. Too much fun. Give 3 total body workouts a try if you aren't now.



  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Hamstring Flexion during Chin-ups? What is that? I don't get it...

  2. When most people do chinups, they allow their legs to be bent at the knees in a relaxed fashion. But if you contract your hamstrings, you keep your form stricter.

    It prevents you from swinging your legs forward and putting momentum into your chinup.
