Monday, November 13, 2006

How is Fat Loss Like Muscle Building?

Because its what happens after training that matters more than what goes on during training.

Click HERE to find out what the heck I mean - thanks to Alwyn Cosgrove

That is a good post. I'm dissappointed though that he beat me to this...i just started writing a similar article last week.

Oh well, at least he can't sleep.

One clarification, which i know Alwyn understands, but that i want to mention (even though it is relatively irrelevant)...

our workout names describe different things:

Turbulence describes the stimulus during the workout

Afterburn describes what goes on after the workout because of the stimulus during the workout

But results are similar, differences are only semantic.

That's a really good post that all trainers should read. And understand.

The analogy with muscle building is long overdue.


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