Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Fastest Fat Loss Workouts

The trouble with long weekends is that you often return to work busier than ever. Work has piled up over that extra day - possibly from international orders or from work colleagues and business contacts that just don't seem to take time off.

So you get back in the office and your inbox is flooded, your to-do list is longer than your grocery shopping list, and your phone displays 10 new messages.

Say good-bye to your workout time? No way.

The truth about exercise is that it is a lot more efficient than most people think. You don't have to be in the gym for 90, 60, or even 45 minutes per day to get results. The truth is that you can choose just two exercises and train your entire body.

The trick is to choose the right two exercises.

In this situation, the old saying that "80% of your results comes from 20% of your efforts" is quite close to the truth. That's why if you have any of the TT manuals, you'll get the majority of your results simply from the first superset and first exercise of the workout. (But never skip a proper warm-up.)

Here's a partial list of an almost endless number of effective two exercise workouts. Complete them in superset fashion and you can be done your strength training workout in minutes...saving you valuable time you need to be spending at work or with your family.

1) Bodyweight option #1:
Pushup (any variation)

2) DB option Upper Body only
DB Incline Press
DB Row

3) Barbell option #1
Bentover Row

4) Barbell option #2
Romanian Deadlift
Bench Press

The two exercises in any of these supersets will work better and faster than a 10-machine circuit at any fitness center.

Plus, you'll build twice the body of someone that decides to use a shortened workout to "just do abs" or a "quick cardio session". High-rep ab work and short, slow cardio won't help you change your body.

High-intensity, efficient, multi-muscle movements that put your body in turbulence are the only way to go.

"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just falling off me. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still have more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big deal for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine 2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just 10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would get me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams

So remember, even if you only did the first superset in the TT for Fat Loss workouts, you'd still get better results than anyone else in the gym using a generic, cookie-cutter high-rep, low weight circuit.

Click here to get started losing fat and changing your body the right way.

Now put the Pumpkin Pie down, back away from it slowly, and stick to your TT lifestyle,


P.S. More 10-minute workouts coming later this week...
In the December monthly workout. You can also get last year's December monthly workout as part of your TT Membership. In fact, you'll get all of the workouts I've created, plus you'll get all of the monthly workouts I create over the next 12 months.

And you'll get access to the new forum and exercise video clips...all coming in 2007.

Click HERE to learn all about the TT Membership - including a special pre-launch price

"I am a 48 year old female, with four children, who has basically been working out most of my adult life in some activity or another. I have always wanted to have a well-sculpted body and have worked very hard toward this goal especially the last year or so. While I was able to get my body fat down to between 18 and 19%, I still could not get the definition I was looking for until two things happened: Turbulence Training and eating according to TT's suggestions. I just thought that since I was 48 years old there was no way I was going to achieve a sculpted body without hiring a trainer and working out like a bodybuilder. But I gave TT a try, and after only one month, the results have been so noticeable that my husband now wants to get in on it! I am very pleased with the program, and with the support and quick response I always get from Craig. In addition to the changes in my body, I love the variety, and the fact that Craig keeps in touch with us on a daily basis, and offers so much encouragement. I plan on doing this for many years to come. Thanks so much."
Susan Siceloff

"Craig, I want to thank you for the continuing education I am receiving by being a TT member. I started reading your newsletter about a year ago. I will be 50 years old in a couple months and I wanted to get serious about keeping my body from getting old. I was about 25 lbs. overweight and although I had exercised on and off for years I can honestly say I didn't have a clue to what actually worked. I got my education from people at the gym. Now I get the best workouts of my life all in a small area of my basement using the Turbulance Training manuals. The same goes with the nutrition information. There are so many diet fads out there. Craig puts it in simple English what works and what doesn't. Now I can actually say "bring it on" to my fiftieth birthday because I feel and look better than I have in years. Thanks again."
Gary Schenkelburg, Ohio

"Turbulence Training is phenomenol, Craig's system has taught me more about bodyweight exercises than I knew was possible. Also with a busy life style he offers exercises that you can do anywhere, anytime with little to no equipment. It is affordable and worthwhile. Thanks Craig."
Darren Motuz, Winnipeg Manitoba

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