Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Commitment to Your Fat Loss Workouts

Great blog post from Keith Scott about commitment.

Read it here

Take the words to heart, especially at this time of year when it is so easy to say, "ah, its the holidays, I'll just slack off on exercise and diet for a couple of weeks"

That's the wrong mindset.

If you are in a fat loss social support group, don't let anyone lose commitment this month. If you stay committed this month, just imagine how mentally focused you will be in the New Year. You'll probably reach your goals weeks in advance, if not months.

And once you reach your goal body, I guarantee you'll have an epiphany about how simple it is to live lean and look lean. You'll shake your head in amazement when you try to remember what it was like to feel like crap after eating processed garbage food all day and being inactive.

Sometimes I really think there are two ways to live life.

a) Lethargic, un-motivated, unfit, negative, TIRED, and eating poorly


b) Fit, energetic, alert, positive, eating properly, and ALIVE

It's your choice.


P.S. The new monthly workout - 10-Minute Holiday Workouts - is now available in the Member's section (the Platinum TT Members always get the monthly workouts a little earlier)...I'll try and get the workout up for everyone else later today.

P.P.S. I better get back to work on building the membership site...

And I hope you'll take advantage of the Pre-Launch offer. Just a reminder, here's the deal...

a) For new clients, I'm knocking the price down BIG TIME. You can become a TT Member for only $127. Click HERE to become a NEW TT Member

b) For previous clients, but non-members, you can get your membership now for only $97.
That's $50 off the launch price. Click HERE to become a TT Member

c) For current can add another 12 months onto your current membership for only $77. Click HERE to renew

But remember, this is a LIMITED TIME OFFER, and could expire at any time.

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