Sunday, November 05, 2006

7-Day Guide: TT Forum

I hope you had a great week and continued to make progress on your fitness and fat loss goals.

I read some discouraging emails and forum posts about social support problems. This is, and continues to be one of the greatest hurdles to successfully losing weight.

From husbands with wives that fail to co-operate in meal planning, to women with husbands who eat anything they want without respect to the woman's goals, it can be very frustrating for all of us at times.

Weight stigmatization is another reason people drop out of their program or avoid exercise.

Again, our family is a big problem, and even our doctor's are part of the problem.

A recent study found this...
"The sources of weight stigmatization were surprising, with family members being the most frequent perpetrators at 72 percent and physicians following closely at 69 percent."

We are left with the fact that we have to take action to look beyond the home to find our social support. Somewhere, someone who is your friend, co-worker, or neighbor, wants to achieve the same thing as you do - health, fitness, and fat loss.

So if you haven't found someone yet, keep trying.

Message boards are great for this. By January there will be a TT Membership forum. I look forward to welcoming you all there, and I appreciate your patience as I build the site - I know many of you are asking about this option.

It will be ready soon!

But for now, on to your fat loss guidelines for this week...

TT Workout. The goal: get it done and get it done fast. No dilly-dallying around. You've got better things to do. Don't take extra rest between sets and see if you can have your best, most efficient workout ever. Train within your limits, of course.

30 minutes of activity. Here in northern North America we've entered the months where the days will get darker earlier, but we must not let that make us inactive. Stick to your fitness plans and get some activity on off days. I know you get tired at the end of the workday, but you'll have more energy if you do some exercise rather than go home and sit on the couch.

TT workout. Today's job is to review your warm-up. Are you warming up effectively? Are you preparing your muscles for the specific task at hand or are you just jumping on a piece of cardio to warm up your core temperature (which is irrelevant by the way). Each TT workout contains a proper warm-up, so that you don't get injured and you get more results.

30 minutes of activity. You know, by taking advantage of the extra off-days you get with the TT workouts (when compared to 5-days per week old-school bodypart training programs), these extra days of miscellaneous activity almost give your fat loss program a Zen-like success.

The ability to choose an enjoyable moderate-intensity activity is much better than stressing out and worrying about your daily intense cardio workout that you "can't miss or you won't lose any fat".

Forget that's haunted people for so long...and all they had to show for it were wasted hours in the gym and hours spent worrying if their preferred cardio machine would be available.

But when long slow light activity is done enjoyably on "off" days it will help more than an hour of strict cardio per day. It's much better to make regular physical activity a part of your lifestyle than to look at long, slow activity as hardcore, mandatory training

Another TT workout.

Since its the end of the week, and you might be beat up a little from work and your exercise program, feel free to sub in some bodyweight exercises in place of some lifting exercises. Help restore your don't always have to be breaking it down.

Get 30 minutes of exercise from a fun, non-gym workout. As always, check in with that social support group. Get your motivation and encouragement.

Plan, shop, and prepare, of course. Get 30 minutes of enjoyable exercise, and don't forget to grab a new vegetable, a new fruit, and at least one new organic product at the grocery store.

Bodyweight + free weight = how to lose fat weight,


P.S. I'm stepping up the Membership...
With a forum, hopefully some video (just bought a camera), and other goodies. In fact, I'll be attending a seminar in FLA this month on how to run the most effective membership site possible...

Get in ASAP to lock in your great deal on the Membership.

Click HERE to become a TT Member today.

"First I want to say thanks for your tireless attention whenever I email a question about anything. There is always a quick response. Secondly: I LOVE the work outs you develop. It saves me so much time as a trainer. I work mostly with older women, and when I have a young male client I am typically stumped for some good variety. I simply open my All Access Pass folder and can quickly find a program that is safe and effective. They feel they got their money?s worth after a session and the intervals are fun for them. Most clients have never heard of them. Thanks for all you do for us trainers Craig."
Diane Holden-- Certified Personal Trainer

"CB, I can't thank you enough. Not just for all the great programs that you put together that have been fundamental for my different training phases. Or for all the great supplementary information that you provide in the TT Membership Program. But for the direct line that this program gives me to you. With it I feel totally confident that no matter what doubts, needs or questions come up I can write you an e-mail and will get a prompt and helpful response."
Gean Viner

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