Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Workouts to Keep Your Body Guessing

Fat Loss Workouts

You have to "keep your body guessing" to keep your workouts working. That's the classic phrase that goes around the gym, passed from one bodybuilder to the next as they try out new routines and techniques.

But does this old bodybuilder phrase hold true?
Well, I think it does.

And that's why I strongly recommend changing the variables in your training program every 3-4 weeks. Each month you should change the exercises, or switch up the sets and reps for each exercise, or try new training methods.

If you're going on 3 straight months of the same program, then I'll bet you're also going on 2 straight months of no results.

So you must change.

Even with your Turbulence Training programs, you have to switch the workouts up on a regular basis. Heck, that's one of the main principles of TT - Variety in training.

If you don't switch it up, your body will not change, adapt, or improve in order to handle the different workouts.

Here are some changes you should make...

Switch from long, slow steady cardio to interval cardio (although as a TT reader, I hope that you've done this a long time ago).

Change your interval program from 30 seconds to 60 seconds per interval. Or change your interval training method.

Or you might even be ready to take the next step, subbing in bodyweight circuits for interval cardio.

For your strength workouts, use heavier weights and fewer repetitions (increase the weight by 5% and decrease the number of reps per set by 2). Or sometimes do 4 sets instead of just 3.

Switch your program to unilateral movements only. Use only dumbbells.

Switch your supersets so that you pair a heavy dumbbell exercise with a bodyweight exercise (Like in the October monthly workout)

Always train safe of course!

Try something new on your off-days. Maybe you are really stressed out? Yoga can help. Start an easy yoga-class on off-days from your TT workouts.

Let me know how you change up your workout,


If you want help designing some bodyweight circuits...

Get the October Monthly workout.

Click HERE to get started on a workout that doesn't need a treadmill or any other cardio equipment

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