Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday Workout


Monday's workout was a return to the total body program.

Squat rack was in use so I started with my neutral grip chinups using gymnastics the performance was a bit lower - perhaps due to the freedom of movemenbt allowed by the rings...dunno just making excuses I guess

Also warmed up with some kettlebell swings, in addition to foam rolling and more drills from the Inside-Out Upper Body Warmup DVD.

Get the DVD here

1) Neutral chinups (3xMax)

2) Squats (3x4) - 355lbs

3a) Good Morning (3x8)
3b) Close-Grip Bench Lockouts (3x12)

4) Zercher squats (2x10)

Had to make myself leave the gym today. That's the result of finding a better gym at which to train. There are no cardio machines in this gym. Instead, the trainers were having male and female clients pulling the weighted sled. A much better, more applicable way to lose fat fast.


workout, fat loss, squat

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