Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wednesday Arms Workout Program

Arm Workout Program

Got back early from the Maximum Fitness Photoshoot, and decided to hit a quick arm workout in the condo gym. Only did 20-25 minutes, but this is an off-week, so it was really all for fun.

While I was training, I was thinking (dangerous for me to do both, I know!), and here's what came to mind...

The lowest level fitness recommendations are to walk for 30 minutes, 7 days a week. But the same people (ie. old school doctors) that tell you to walk for 30 minutes will at the same time tell you that lifting weights doesn't help your heart.

Well, let me say this. I've walked for 30 minutes before, and beleive me, it's not nearly as intense as today's 30 minute lifiting session, let alone a regular TT workout. So how can lifting weights not be good for your heart and your overall health.

Lifting increases heart rate, and has been shown to increase VO2Max in sedentary individuals.
Lifting increase glucose disposal into muscles.
Lifting burns calories and if combined with the right nutrition, can help you lose fat.

Lifting weights is clearly as healthy, if not healthier than a 30 minute walk.

Today's workout:

1A) Neutral grip Chins (3x12)
1B) Triceps Pressdowns (3x8)

2A) Alternating Standing DB Curl (4x6)
2B) More Pressdowns (2x6,1x20)

3) Cable Shoulder Lateral Raise (4x8)

I'll do some foam rolling later on today.

You don't have to wear silly running shorts to get a good cardiovascular workout,


workout, cardio, lifting, weights, muscle

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