Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Advanced Fat Loss Workout Tips - The Rest of them

Yesterday we covered the first 2 of my 5 advanced fat loss tips, and today we carry on with the final 3 instructions that will help you breakthrough the fat loss plateau...

3) Eat 6-8 times per day.
In the past 5-10 years, it's become common knowledge that we should all eat smaller, more frequent meals. In fact, one study from 2005 showed that doing so helped reduce cholesterol and burn more calories than eating 2-3 meals per day.

And so for our advanced fat loss approach, we're going to bump that up to 6-8 meals per day.

Here's how you would do that:
Mid-morning snack
Afternoon snack
Evening snack

With each meal and snack (except pre- & post-workout) focusing on lean protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich vegetables and fruit (for pre- and post-workout, stick with 20g protein and a half-serving of fruit).

Start your day immediately with 2 cups of water, 3 fish oil caps, and 20g of lean protein, and then have your a fiber-rich breakfast. This meal will help dictate your blood sugar for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. So if you blow it on breakfast, you've might actually have blown it for the entire day.

(And if you workout at other times of the day, just adjust the schedule and move about the pre- and post-workout meals).

4) Eat more fiber-rich vegetables at each meal.
Ways to get more green include eating a green pepper with your omelet at breakfast, or spinach in your salads at lunch, etc.

Aim for 8 servings of green, fiber-rich vegetables over the course of the day.

5) Eat only protein, healthy fats, & fiber between meals.
For example, you could have a sample snack plan of 20g lean protein (from a quality shake or from chicken breast), 1/2 - 1 oz almonds, some more broccoli or spinach, or an apple. And enjoy some Green Tea at this time as well, of course.
So those are some tips to take your fat loss plan into the advanced stages.

Now obviously, if you are struggling to just not eat at McDonalds today, then we won't expect you to follow this plan precisely. But if you set your mind to it, you can make incredible changes in your body.

"Hey Craig. I just wanted to take this time to thank you for all your help. In the 2 months we have been working together, I've gone from 192 pounds to 177 pounds. I've also increased my 2-mile run time from 16:35 to 13:52. These are the kind of results I was only expecting 4 months down the road. Now that I have them already, I can raise my goals even higher. You can definitely expect me as a client for a lot longer!! Thank you.
Sgt Zachary J. Strope USAR, Balad, Iraq

And as I said to another client...

"Remember that you are eating for the long-term. Think about what you are putting into your body and the effect that your nutrition will have on your body over the long term. Think about how much better you will feel (immediately) and how you'll have more energy and be able to think better just by eating better."

"Think about the positives of eating whole, natural foods rather than the synthetic, artificially preserved foods that are far too common in our diets today."

"Try and make a small improvement in your eating everyday. You will thank yourself for it tomorrow."

Okay...and finally, I also want to say...


Thanks to everyone for the feedback, comments, and all of your questions on the newsletter and the TT Workout programs. I really appreciate each and every letter...however, due to the volume of emails I can only get back to TT Members at this time.

I also sincerely appreciate everytime you send this newsletter to a friend or refer a colleague to the site (Come on all you lawyers out there - you know that your stressed-out work colleagues and friends will benefit from the bodyweight exercises - so send them to the bodyweight exercises here).

Thanks again, and please keep sending all of your friends, family, and training partners to sign-up for the newsletter here.

So much more to say, but not enough space,


P.S. New program coming tomorrow!

The October Monthly 4-Week workout will be ready is a Dumbbell-Bodyweight Fusion Turbulence Training workout with some new techniques.

If you are a member, you will be the first to get it - and every other monthly workout for the next 12 months.

Click HERE to become a TT member today.

(Previous customers - Email me for your discount membership price today.)

"You have been a tremendous source of information and inspiration. Your principles and ideas have helped me make gains in my overall fitness level. Your ideas are refreshing and easy to follow, in an industry that seems to want to stick to the same guidelines. The Turbulence Training Membership not only offers great workouts, but also reduces the time in the gym, with the same if not better results than the typical 2 hour workouts, that a father of three needs. In addition, Craig has been instrumental to me and my hockey training. I play in a competitive adult league that can get a bit fierce. The conditioning ideas, specifically the interval training gets me in prime playing shape and can constantly be tweaked to various fitness levels. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this field. You are a welcome voice for me and anyone I have shared your ideas with."
Scott Kurland, NYC

fat loss, workout, fat loss workout, workout tips, exercise program, nutrition, weight loss, lose weight

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