Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday - Dumbbell & Bodyweight Fusion Fat Loss Workout

Bodyweight & Dumbbell Fat Loss Workout

You'll be able to do my next Turbulence Training monthly workout at home. I just finished going through the final workout, including the bodyweight circuit that completes the workout in place of intervals.

And it was another good workout, of course. Each superset in this TT workout uses one dumbbell and one bodyweight exercise. This allows you to easily do the workout at home, or even in a busy commercial gym...like I did tonite.

As per my new usual warm-up, I started my fat loss workout with foam rolling for my upper back, adductors, and quads. These seem to be trouble spots for tightness. Then I did my workout, which is a secret till Thursday when I release the program.

It was a fun workout. Quite different than my normal workouts, which I will return to next week. And it's always entertaining to do an effective TT workout while you watch Joe and Jane Average plod through the crappy workout they designed themselves or got from a less qualified trainer. I feel bad for them...everyone should know about TT.

On the weekend I was talking to a bodybuilder that is just starting TT and loving it. He really likes the change from his traditional straight-sets bodybuilding workouts.

Click HERE to get started on your TT program


fat loss, fat loss workout, exercise, workout, Turbulence Training

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