Tuesday, October 10, 2006

5 More Advanced Fat Loss Workout Tips

Workout Fat Loss Tips

Okay, yesterday I put together an extensive list of the most important things a beginner-to-fat-loss workouts should do to get the ball rolling...

Now today, I'm going to discuss a couple of things to do if you are getting close to your goal and need some advanced fat loss tips.

1) Don't cut calories too much.
This is something that happens a lot as people get closer to their goals, and especially when people hit a fat loss plateau.

But you can't do it.

Here's why.

Among other things, your food intake and energy balance help to control your metabolism (most likely by altering levels of various hormones in your body).

When you cut your calories too much, you probably knock your hormones levels for a loop, causing them to send a collective message to your body that you are not getting enough to energy in...and therefore, that shuts down your fat loss systems.

Here's one reader's account of the pitfalls of an excessively low calorie diet...

"I'm on the weight loss track again. I found I wasn't eating enough calories (1000 kcal/day). Filling up on veggies is good (and I love them), but they don't have the calories. Eating walnuts/almonds helped get me there. Eating 1500+ is where I need to stay to lose weight and keep my energy up. I've dropped about 3 pounds this week."
Holly, using the TT for Women program with great success

With men, I generally don't think men need to go below 1800 calories per day, and with women, not much less than 1500 calories per day - Dr. Mohr covers this in greater detail in the Nutrition Guidelines that go with TT for Fat Loss. So you probably want to stay above those levels, and definitely avoid any sharp, sudden decreases in your energy intake.

2) Don't exercise too much.
For very similar reasons as point #1.

Exercise intensity and frequency also help to control your hormone levels. If you over-exercise (i.e. tons of cardio everyday, weight training everyday, etc.), then your body doesn't get a chance to recover and keep your hormones at the correct level.

After all, exercise is another form of stress on your body...and you all know how your body and mind can get messed up from too much stress.

Resist the urge to exercise for the sake of exercise. Don't go adding 60 minute stairmaster sessions everyday before breakfast if you're already on a well-designed, consistent workout schedule. That could be too much stress on your body.

Stick to structured, purposeful exercise as found in your TT program.

I've been around the exercise block so to speak, and I often know how much is too much for most fitness levels.

The longer I'm in this business, the more I realize that training frequently with an intense workouts is un-necessary - for both fat loss and for athletes.

Training with the same interval workout for 6 days of the week is not going to get you twice the results as training 3 days per week. Instead, use a variety of different workouts to increase your fat loss and performance.

And as I said the other week in an email about advanced fat loss, the best way to accelerate your fat burning is by adding in some bodyweight circuits (starting at 10 minutes per day and working up to 20 minutes maximum) done in the morning or evening. Use a different circuit each day - there's an almost endless number of bodyweight circuit combinations you can do.

(If you do your regular workout in the AM, do your bodyweight circuits after dinner; otherwise, do the bw circuits first thing in the AM, and then do your regular workout at lunch or later in the afternoon or evening.)

After two weeks, take a break from this routine and allow your body to recover.

Two other things you can do during this two weeks of extra training...
a) Add 10 seconds to the length of each interval.
b) Add 1 set to each of the exercises in the first Superset of the workout.

So now you have more volume, performed at a high-intensity of course, but without over-taxing your hormonal system.

But remember, you should only do this increased training volume for 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break and reduce the training volume to normal - to allow your body to adapt and recover.

Okay, that's enough for today. Tomorrow I'll finish with advanced fat loss tips 3-5.

And with this new knowledge, you should see some incredible results in just a few weeks, like this TT reader...

"Just thought you should know that I have been receiving the best possible complements from people. Everytime I go out, people keep asking me if I am on steroids! It is a little annoying that they think I would cheat, but it is the best possible complement I can think of! I cannot believe how much my body has changed in just 4 weeks."
Tim O'Hara, after 4 weeks on his TT program

Turbulence Training for life,

P.S. Just the facts...

FACT: The fat-loss programs you read about in muscle mags from the 80's and 90's are based on out-of-date exercise science and nutrition information.

REALITY: The latest fat loss research, as used in Turbulence Training, allows you to lose more fat while keeping your hard-earned muscle, and to do so in less workout time than ever before.

Jump over here for a program full of advanced fat loss workouts and nutrition guides - to help you burst through your fat loss plateaus.

TT is..."The single most effective fat loss training system in the world today. I've used it. I've studied it. It works faster and more effectively than any other method."Alwyn Cosgrove, CSCS, Men's Fitness & Men's Health Training Adviser.

Or better yet, click HERE to get your TT Membership and get access to all of my workouts.

"Wow, Craig, thank you for making the TT Membership Pass available. That is an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE amount of information for such a price. It's practically a lifetime's worth of information and workouts. But, since things do develop over time, we can get a future renewal at an even better price. I already know I will be renewing next year. Aside from that, people need to know that your information is top notch; it's accurate, scientifically-based, and effective. Thanks again, Craig; I look forward to reading and rereading all of the manuals, and to seeing those future updates!"
Chris Correia Cloquet Taekwondo Cloquet, MN

fat loss, fat loss workout, nutrition, workout, exercise routine, get lean

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