Sunday, October 08, 2006

Thanksgiving Workout & Turkey Dinner

Workout & Nutrition

As you may or may not know, Canada is always a little ahead of the US. We have our National Holiday a couple of days earlier, and we have our Thanksgiving weekend several weeks in advance of our neighbors/neighbours to the south. Monday is the official holiday. But there is still time for good workouts and proper nutrition on the holiday.

Today's workout was for the dog. Bally and I went to the local dog park where he was able to exercise and run and play with about 10 other dogs...the weather was great, and a lot of people were happy to sit around and let the dogs exhaust themselves.

Bally can't keep out of the water...or other dog's faces. So he spent his alternating between chasing dogs down to lick them, and tricking dogs into following him into the river on the dog park grounds. This ensured he was soaking wet for the car ride home, every inch of his coat covered in river water or dog slobber. At least he doesn't have a white coat...his chocolate brown exterior hides the dirty water quite well.

So I walked and chased him around the park, we walked the trails twice, and I cleaned up after him. Eventually I convinced him it was time to go, but not until he had a great workout and I had been up and moving around for the better part of an hour. Otherwise, no formal workout for myself today.

On home (to my parents) we went, and I went to work on some newsletters. Eventually our Thanksgiving Dinner was ready: turkey, sweet potatoes, asparagus, and string beans. Good stuff, and a little pumpkin dessert to finish off.

Wisely, my mother just made the pumpkin pie filling, and did not make a pumpkin pie. This allowed us to avoid pie crust, which ranks right up there with edible cigarettes (i.e. French Fries) as one of the worst things for your heart that you could possibly eat. If you do go that route for your own holiday dinners, try and find an alternative that does not contain trans-fats in the pastry.

Side note: One of my clients is cooking up a "Turducken" this weekend. That's a turkey stuffed with a chicken stuffed with a duck. Or something like that. Nothing like stuffing meat with more meat.

Sounds amazing, have you tried one?

You can eat well while eating well,


nutrition, workout, trans-fat, exercise

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