Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday's Upper Body Muscle-Building Workout

Chin-up Workout

Because of my flat tire experience on Friday, I missed a workout that day. And because this is a holiday weekend here in Canada (our Thanksgiving - weeks ahead of the American T-day), I was traveling on Saturday and visiting, and forgot to slip in my workout results.

So here's what I did on Saturday...

1A) Close-grip Pushups on Fists (3x20)
1B) Chin-up (3x15)

2A) 1-Arm Standing DB Curl (3x6)
2B) Triceps Pressdown (3x20)

3A) Incline DB Hammer Curl (1x8)
3B) Cable Crunch (1x20)

Had to leave early.

So that was it...the last fun workout of this 3-week phase. For the next 7-days I am going to be training sporadically and with no I am taking a recovery/deload week and will also be looking for a new gym that allows for a better training environment. The current gym has terrible music, equipment, and trainers...more to come on that in an upcoming post.

Take all the necessary steps to get closer to success, even if it means leaving your comfort zone,

workout, muscle, chin-up, push-up, muscle-building workout

1 comment:

  1. i tried a product, well is more like mass building workouts that i found. and it has really been useful, after a short time i can see the results, i've been able to build muscle quick and i feel great. Here is the info if u like
