Sunday, October 15, 2006

How to Pick a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainers & Fat Loss Workouts

I get a lot of questions about how to pick a personal trainer for fat loss, as well as what readers can do to become personal trainers. The world needs good, educated, qualified, intelligent, logical trainers with common sense (trust me, we're short on these despite the number of trainers in the world!). The world is fat, and the world needs help losing fat. So if you are interested in becoming a trainer, check out the link and article from Tom Venuto below my article on picking a trainer.

How to Pick a Personal Trainer

Q: What certification should I look for in a personal trainer?

Most importantly, no certification will guarantee that someone is a great trainer. The information taught in almost all certifications is generally outdated and basic.

It is really up to the trainer to learn outside of the certification process. A good trainer will have a mentor (preferably many mentors) that has shown them how to successfully deal with many situations, train people efficiently and effectively, and how to design a great training program.

A good trainer should also possess critical thinking skills. They shouldn't simply do what all the other trainers are doing or copy workouts and exercises straight from a book or website.

If you are familiar with my training programs, you will know that they contain basic, no-fluff exercises. There's no standing on gym balls or other dangerous and relatively ineffective training methods. There is nothing in my programs that I can't justify. The trainer you choose should also be able to justify their exercise programs.

If I were picking a trainer, I'd insist on them meeting a very high level of criteria. After all, your trainer is in charge of your body and your health. You should demand a lot from your trainer.

That's the only way your training will reach another level.

Feel free to email me for trainer recommendations throughout North America. I might be able to recommend someone for you.

Now for Tom's article...a very thorough piece of advice on the many organizations that offer training certifications:
Click HERE for Tom's article


personal trainer, fat loss, lose weight, exercise, weight loss

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