Sunday, October 15, 2006

3 Simple Fat Loss Nutrition Rules

Fat Loss Nutrition

Three Simple Nutrition Rules for Fat Loss

I was speaking with a client the other day that has made some healthy changes to his nutrition schedule. He made the following observations:

1- It is hard to eat a lot of healthy food (lean protein and fiber-dense fruits and vegetables). Therefore, he eats fewer calories and that has helped him get lean.

2 - Even if is able to eat a lot of this healthy food for a couple of days, it is very difficult for him to gain fat (because the fiber and protein-based foods keep the calories low and the blood sugar under control).

I had to agree with him and I told him that he had pretty much found the “Secrets to eating for fat loss”. But does he have to eat perfect at every meal? Rule #3 answers that question with some help from nutrition expert, John Berardi, Ph.D.

3 - Do you have to eat perfect every meal? No. Dr. John Berardi, co-author of Gourmet Nutrition, says if you eat according to plan 90% of the time, you’ll achieve great results in fat loss and muscle gain. That leaves you with some room for some unstructured eating (the exact number of cheat meals and snacks will depend on your weekly meal number).

Click here to order Dr. John Berardi's new book - Gourmet Nutrition


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