Monday, October 30, 2006

7 Mistakes You Are Making

Seven Mistakes You Make When Trying to Lose Fat

1. You fail to consider the consequences of your actions.

Alwyn Cosgrove once wrote, "I get my clients to think, "Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?"

If you can see that every action that you take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing fat, then you will start to make better choices. So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or against fat loss. And every exercise choice you make is either for or against fat loss.

"Get that", Alwyn says, "and you're a hit."

2. You neglect to control your insulin and blood sugar levels - 2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come off.

If you eat processed foods you are guaranteed to elevate your insulin & blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends the message, "Store fat!", and you won't make any fat loss progress. So avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box. In addition, avoid eating an excessive amounts of carbohydrate at any meal.

3. You train like it's the 80's.

Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn't mean ineffective training methods from the 80's like light weights, low intensity steady state cardio, moderate-intensity aerobics classes, and endless low-intensity ab work should also make a comeback.
That type of training should stay buried in the back issues of cheesy muscle magazines. Stick to the Turbulence Training approach for efficient and effective body changing routines.

4. They don't take 30 minutes to plan their next day's food intake.

If you fail to do this, you will set your fat loss efforts back by a minimum of 48 hours. Without a good meal plan, you are left to hunt and gather food in the modern world. And that's a recipe for fat loss disaster.

Without a plan, you are bound to eat some processed junk food. You will lose the fat burning benefits from yesterday's workout and it will take until the end of the following day to get back on track. 48 hours wasted.

5. You don't eat enough vegetables.

We can thank John Bernardi for making it common knowledge that you should eat fibrous vegetables at every meal to assist your fat loss efforts. By doing so, you'll control your blood sugar and insulin - thus supporting the optimal hormonal situation for fat loss.

6. You screw up their hormones with poor lifestyle choices.

If you are out boozing and staying up late on the weekend, you are shutting down your fat loss and messing up the optimal hormonal environment for fat burning. I will talk a lot more about the optimal hormonal levels for fat loss, as I believe this is the underrated key to building your best body ever.

7. You don't plan or record your training sessions.

If you are still going to the gym without a plan, then you are going to have a hard time losing fat. And if you aren't recording your workouts and eating habits, then you aren't losing as much fat as you probably can. To fix this mistake, start by getting on track with Turbulence Training. It's guaranteed to get you lean.

Fix these and you will succeed,


P.S. The TT Membership is your plan...
With over a dozen monthly workouts, and 16-week manuals for mass, fat loss, women, and bodyweight training, you have the exact workouts you need to reach your goals.

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"I have spent years--YEARS--going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, using a standard bodybuilding-type workout. My gains were flat, and my shape pretty much unchanged for the past couple of years. I stumbled upon Turbulence Training on an internet board and just had to try it--after buying the initial program, I loved it enough to pay for a TT Membership. I recently finished the 8 week "booty for life" program and let me tell you--my "booty" is a bit more perky than it was two months previously. I highly recommend Craig's works--they work."
Tina Kinsley

"In a store full of magazines promoting the secrets to fat loss, on the internet with 10000+ hits for exercise and fat loss when typed into Google, Craig's programs stand head and shoulders above the rest. Craig's programs are based in sound science, not flavour of the month/here-today-gone-tomorrow routines. Craig is honest and to the point and, like all the reputable voices/books/e-books/sites out there, he'll tell you there are no short cuts. But we're all pressed for time so wouldn't you rather do what do in the gym and have it make a difference? Well then, try what this guy is offering...because it's fun, it's refershingly different, and, most importantly, it works!! Keep it coming CB!!! P.S. Alwyn Cosgrove and Tom Venuto are two others that I like - no BS, these guys give you the straight goods!!
Stuart M. Phillips, Ph.D. Associate Professor, McMaster University

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