Sunday, October 29, 2006

7-Day Simple Guide to Fat Loss

With all of the confusing, complex, and contradictory fat loss information we receive these days, it's tough to decide what's the best approach for you and your goals.

So to clear the confusion, I've been bringing you 7 tips every Sunday to help you lose more fat in less time over each upcoming week. Here are this week's guidelines.

As I've mentioned before, I believe it is very important to always try to improve your performance. Improving your physical performance will improve your physical appearance.
So keep a record book for each of your main exercises - how many pushups you can do, your cardio interval settings, how much weight you use for wide-grip seated rows, etc, etc.

If you are a beginner, setting a record might simply mean using a higher level on the cardio machine for 1-2 minutes, or doing 2-3 extra pushups per set.

For the advanced fat loss program, it might mean using 2.5 more pounds per dumbbell in your split squats, or extending your intervals by 5 seconds per sprint.

Plan to get 30 minutes of activity. For beginners, walking is acceptable. It helps you recover from Monday's workout and simply improves your overall health. Advanced fat loss programs might use a bodyweight circuit on this day.

By the way, you only have 2 more days to get the October monthly 8-week workout that gives you a couple of bodyweight circuits to use in place of intervals.

Click HERE to get it before it is gone on Nov 1st!

Perform your regularly schedule TT workout. And if you haven't already, purchase a new cooking appliance, such as a grill or steamer to help you prepare healthy, nutritious, low-fat protein sources or high-fiber, nutrient rich vegetables in a convenient manner.

Healthy food preparation is a SMALL effort for a LARGE reward.

30 minutes of activity, anyway that you can get it. And then at dinner, try a new source of lean protein, such as salmon, bison, or ostrich (or switch back to lean, red meat if you've only been chowing down on chicken).

Another great TT workout. And at some point during the day, recruit a new member into your social support group (remember when I spoke about how important this is?), such as a new workout partner or healthy-eating nutrition buddy. This will add strength to your commitment. If they succeed, research shows you have a better chance of succeeding as well.

30 minutes of activity. It's the weekend, find something fun to do with a friend. I like to start the weekend with a circuit of 6-8 bodyweight exercises from my 6-month bodyweight manual. I also start with a lot of upper body mobility and warmup exercises from the Inside Out DVD and Magnificent Mobility DVD.

Get those DVD's here & improve your posture & warmup

And make sure to check in with your social support group, and then spend some time re-reading your TT manual to make sure you are eating and training according to the TT guidelines.

Get another 30 minutes of exercise nice and early to start your day. Then plan your shopping list, head on to the grocery store or even better a fresh, open market and get your weekly produce and lean protein sources.

7 days to a better body,


Lose 20 pounds of fat the simple way...

"I've just received Craig's 6 Month Body-Weight Training Manual and am thoroughly impressed. I have used some of Craig's other Turbulence Training programs and have progressed steadily to better health and a better body. Recently I have used his TT for Fat Loss program and lost 20lbs of fat while increasing my lean body mass and getting much stronger. As with the other programs the amount of information and direction in his bodyweight manual is outstanding. Not only does Craig guide you through his work outs, he offers nutritional advice, lifting tempos and exercise descriptions with visuals to help with form. With the amount of information in this program it would be almost impossible not to succeed. I can hardly wait to get started with bodyweight training and reap the benefits of Craig's expertise."
Rick Dunseith

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