Thursday, September 28, 2006

Workouts on the Road

Workout While Traveling

When traveling, I'm a big fan of spending the 10 bucks and going to a gym for a workout. Generally the hotel gyms are inadequate for a great workout - although the best hotel gym I've used was in Baltimore...just can't remember the name of the hotel. It even had a squat rack.

So today I'm in Stamford, CT. Very nice city. And I went to workout with Jason Ferrugia of We did our workout at a spacious LA Fitness and it was quite empty in the middle of the afternoon.

Couple of workout observations...

a) machines suck - they just don't allow natural movement
b) training partners are very helpful
c) no gym needs two seated dip machines

So the workout went like this:

1) Deadlift - up to near max, plus 1 back off set

2A) DB Press (4x5-12)
2B) Neutral Grip Chins (4 sets)

3) Tried machines...they were all awkward

4) RDL (3x8)

5) Down-the-rack DB Curls for fun (4x6)

Thats it. Then a quick walk around bustling, but pretty Stamford on a nice autumn day. Got some deadlift instruction. All very helpful.

Good workout,


workout, traveling workout, fitness, press, fat loss workout

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