Friday, September 29, 2006

Alwyn Cosgrove's Fat Loss Workout Seminar

Alwyn Cosgrove Fat Loss Workout

This morning at Ryan Lee's seminar, Alwyn Cosgrove gave a funny, yet controversial lecture on fat loss workouts. Using his unique sense of humor, he destroyed a lot of fat loss workout myths.

Alwyn and I agree on a lot of fat loss workout stuff. Mainly that nutrition is most important, and that aerobic training/cardio is over-rated. Alwyn's harder on cardio than I am, but I certainly agree it's a waste of your time if you only have 45 minutes, 3 days per week to train for fat loss.

Check out Alwyn's stuff here.

I'll summarize more of his seminar next week,


alwyn cosgrove, fat loss, fat loss workout, nutrition, exercise

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