Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Workout Routine Excuses

Workout Routine Excuses

I always look at every Monday as a chance for you to renew your New Year's resolutions. The start of each week signifies a chance to get back on track, no matter how bad your (long) weekend fitness and nutrition might have been.

The Labor Day weekend (for those of us here in North America) brings another powerful "New Year's" resolution opportunity.

People will be returning from both short and long summer holidays, and will be returning to the gym in large numbers. With school back "in", it marks the start of a "new year".

So renew your optimism, and return to the plans you made in January. Review your fat loss goals, your desire to change your nutrition habits, and your scheduling plans to make time for exercise and eating right.

Earlier this year, my health-journalism colleague Jon Herring wrote a great article in the online daily newsletter, http://www.earlytorise.com/. (I highly recommend this newsletter for business, health, and wealth information).

Jon spoke about setting several challenging, yet attainable health goals - but not for you to accomplish just this year, but instead for you to accomplish within the next 6 weeks.
Basically, break down your big goals into smaller starter goals. Go hard at these goals for the next 6 weeks, and you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

And don't forget each Sunday I'll be publishing 7 tips to get you through the next 7 days, helping you stick to your goals and to make 1 small improvement each day that will lead to many large improvements in your lifestyle over the course of the year.

As Jon writes about the choices you need to make to achieve your 6-week goals, "Make these choices a habit and you'll feel a change within days. Within a week, you'll see the difference. And within a few months, you will find yourself staring in the mirror at a vision of health and fitness."

I know that the TT readers span a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and health levels. But it doesnt' matter.

Even though I know that some of you are literally trying to improve your health so that you'll be around for another New Year's, while others are looking to go from 12% body fat to 10% fat, the rules of successful goal setting are the same for both individuals.

If you didn't take a couple of hours (yes, you need to take that long) to plan out your major goals for the remainder of 2006 and work backwards as to how you will accomplish these goals, then do this over the rest of the week.

Plan your days, weeks, and months ahead to make sure that your lifestyle and actions meet your goals.

If you are still trying to find time for exercise, then plan to get up 10 minutes earlier this week. You can get up, shake out the mental cobwebs, and get in one invigorating round of a bodyweight circuit in that ten minutes. And that will be your start.

Next week, get up another 10 minutes earlier and do two rounds of the circuit. And so on. Until your morning exercise becomes a habit. Then you'll start to find more time for exercise in your life. There are no excuses.

In University, I once studied under a professor who was not only a Ph.D, but an M.D. And not only a specialist in neuromuscular disorders, but the leading world-expert in muscle mitochondrial pathologies.

Not only did he speak around the world, and publish several research papers each year, and teach classes, and do rounds like a regular doctor, but he also managed to get in 1 hour of exercise every day. Every day!

And yes, he has a wife and kids. And yes, he could hit the snooze button instead of training at 5am every morning, but he doesn't. He finds time to exercise.

Fortunately, through my manuals I've shown you that you don't need a full hour of exercise everyday to get a lot of health benefits from exercise.

In fact, I've shown you that you can even lose a lot of fat by doing only 3 workouts per week of 45 minutes. And my new bodyweight manual will show you how to get an energy boosting workout in 10-20 minutes per day with little or no equipment.

Start today and invest some time and effort in your health.

You're running out of excuses, and you're running out of days in the year,


Some client feedback...

"I lost 14 pounds this month and the weight is just falling off me. My wife says I now look like when we first met and I still have more to go. I can fit into my old jeans again which is a big deal for me. I just cut back on starches and bread and do your routine 2-3 times a week. I never thought in a million years that just 10-20 minutes of weight training followed by some cardio would get me such steady results. I even cheat a bit on the weekends."
Billy Williams, using the Get Lean manual

"Craig, I have finished my first official month of Turbulence Training yesterday and can't tell you how impressed I am with the results. I am down 7 pounds and 6.5"!!! I am wearing a shirt for the first time that I got for Christmas last year, it never fit before. I can't beleive I feel this good and I am just getting started, can't imagine what I am gonna feel like at 300, 250, 200, wow can't even fathom."
Josh Manley

workout routine

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