Friday, September 01, 2006

Thursdays' Upper Body Workout Routine

Upper Body Workout Routine

In yesterday's workout routine, I trained upper body with two other local strength coaches. Both had attended a couple of Paul Chek seminars on the weekend, and gave me the rundown on the seminars before we trained.

If you don't know Paul, he is a modern-day Jack LaLanne. I think Paul likes to use the term holistic health practitioner. Paul is focused on improving your health by eating properly and living well.

If you ever get a chance to attend one of his seminars, do so.

You might not agree with everything he says, and you might even find some of his comments a bit odd, but you'll certainly be entertained and enlightened.

So after the other coaches downed some pre-workout expressos, we hit the gym for the following session:

1) 1-Arm DB Full Squat into DB Push Press (3x5) [Hold dumbbell at shoulder height, Squat as low as possible, drive up to standing position and press overhead as you come up - this requires a lot of torso strength to minimize rotation at the waist]

2) 2-Arm DB Full Squat into DB Push Press (2x6)

3) Chinups (10x3) [10 sets of 3, with one set performed every minute on the minute]

4) Chins (1 set to failure)

5) Standing 1-Arm Cable Chest Press (2x8)

6) Triceps Triset [Decline DB Ext followed by California Press followed by Close-grip press] (2x8)

Done. Sore in the traps from the DB Squat-Push pres combo, but not sore in the lats or triceps yet. I expect that to come.

Full squats later today.


workout routine

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