Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Upper Body Workout Routine

Upper Body Workout Routine

A good friend of mine was in town visiting from Dubai, so we went for a workout (I guess that is what healthy people do instead of going for drinks). So yes, this is my second upper body workout routine in as many days, and yes, I trained some of the same muscle groups.

But I can do some of these silly things because I know my body pretty well, and what it can handle.

This was a good workout again, much better than the workouts he and I had back in February when I visited him in Dubai.

Click here for a picture of me in the Persian Gulf on the beach in Dubai (scroll to bottom of page)

Todays workout routine:

1) EZ-Bar Pullovers (2x8)

2) Plate Pullovers on Ball (1x20)

3) EZ Bar Curls (2x10-12)

4) EZ Bar Tri Extensions (2x8)

5) Cable Ab Crunches (2x15)

and a new stability ball ab exercise that I'll put in a future TT manual.

Might even workout again later today,


workout routine

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