Monday, September 25, 2006

Sad Squat Workout

Squat Workout

Not a great one today. Strayed from my eating and sleeping schedule on the weekend, and I could really feel it in the workout.

t'was a good reminder that every choice you make has a consequence on your health, performance, and energy levels.

I'll be away for a few days later this week, so I'll take this week as a recovery week, and come back next week to get serious.

What I did get done today was okay, but not as good as I want to be...

1A) Narrow Squat (1x4, 1x1) - I just bailed out of the second set. Sooooo lame.
1B) Power Shrugh (3x8)

2A) Wide Stance Good Morning (3x8)
2B) Standing Cable Crunch (2x20)

3A) Pistols (3x4)
3B) Glute Ham Raise on Ball (3x15)

Hopefully tomorrow will be better,


workout, squat, fat loss

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Craig, Loved this post b/c it makes you seem real! Good to know that even you have "off" days. It's a nice reminder too, that a few goofs does not equal the end of the world and all we need to do is get back on the horse. Thanks - Sue
