Monday, September 25, 2006

Q'n'A: Interval Workouts, Aerobics Clasess, & more Protein

Interval & Aerobics Workouts

So what do you do if you hate Turbulence Training? If, for the life of you, you just can't stand exercising that hard. Do you just lie on the couch?

No, of course not.

Just do something. In fact, the first rule of exercise should simply be, "Just do something you like. Have fun. Live an active lifestyle."

Millions of people live healthy, active, fit lifestyles and never set foot in a gym (commercial or home). Instead, they've simply found something they like to do and they do it regularly, and they eat well.

I've got a couple of questions on this topic in today's mail bag, as well as some advanced interval methods and more protein. And who doesn't love more protein?!

Q: I have totally lost my motivation to train. I no longer have any urge to go to the gym.

I have lost 41kgs and my weight is under 74kgs. I feel as if I have achieved my goal and I think that is where my lack of motivation stems from. As for the gym, I really like doing weights. And I used to love going to Aerobics classes such as Body Pump and Body Step until my personal trainer told me that they weren't really doing me any good so there was no point in going to them. I also like to run.

There are two other issues that affect when I exercise 1) I study university by correspondence and 2) I have a two year old little girl, so my days are usually anywhere from about 15-16 hours in length without adding time for exercise so by the time it comes to my four days off I am pretty well exhausted.

At this point, I would be happy to see you back in your classes. Anything to get you back into a healthy, active lifestyle.

It's one thing to look for the most results in the least amount of time - which I would recommend getting from strength training and intervals - but it's another thing when you are ready to quit exercising because you can't stand them anymore! Go back to your classes. Have fun again!

On alternate days, do some of the free weight exercises you love. Do some squats with dumbbells. Then do a pressing exercise. Follow that with an exercise for your abs, and one more for your upper back. That way, you've covered what I call the "4 hot zones" of your body, and that covers all the major muscle groups so your body will be burning up a calorie storm! Then go for a little run to get your running fix.


I hope that this schedule gets you excited for exercise. Have fun again! Let me know if this sounds like a plan...

Q: I recently joined a gym. The personal trainers weren't very helpful...all they did was show me the weight machine circuit. They did a few tests on me and said my flexibility was poor. I've been on and off with exercise for a few years, but I really need to find something that will help me stick to it.

You really, and most simply, just need to find something you really like to do and start there.

Don't worry about a structured program yet, just get started on an active lifestyle.

Maybe you would like the bodyweight workouts? You could start simply with the 4-Week bodyweight workout HERE

You also need to start eating properly to keep your energy up and fat down. If you get the TT for Fat Loss package, you get Dr. Mohr's nutrition guidelines as well as the bodyweight manual as a bonus. You can order from

There are lots of stretches in all of the manuals that will help you re-gain some of your flexibility and mobility.

Q: I've been doing the running intervals for months now. I'm at 8.5 running for a minute and 3.8 on the rest for 1.5 minutes - any suggestions to make it a little more challenging, aside from increasing speed?

Great question. I hesitate to crank up the incline too much, because that can be a little rough on the calves. They will get tight, and you could end up with chronic problems.

So if you can't increase the speed or the incline, what can you do?Try one of these 3 options:

a) After running 8.5 (which is awesome by the way), get off the treadmill and hit a plank for 30-60 seconds, then get back on the treadmill and hit your interval again. So your recovery is now done in a plank, or side plank.

b) Same, but when you get off the treadmill, do slow, easy y-squats or prisoner squats. 3 seconds down, 2 seconds up. Do a set of 8-10, then back on the treadmill.

c) Again, do the interval on the treadmill then get off and do a set of pushups. The next time, a set of bodyweight inverted rows. Alternate between the two.

You will find that you have to reduce the speed of your interval training because it is incomplete total-body recovery...but it's kind of like our superset system that you use for strength training.
Let me know how this goes.

Q: If I eat chicken or beef or fish after a workout, will it have the same effect as protein powders?

It's possible you wouldn't see a difference. No study has ever tested the two approaches.

One thing to remember is protein repair/muscle building is an ongoing process - it doesn't take place in only the 30 minutes after training. It takes place over days. So as my colleague Brad Pilon says, "Every meal you eat is a post workout meal."

Now I would definitely bet that you wouldn't see a difference if you drank chocolate milk vs. buying the most "advanced" postworkout shake. They are both just carbs and protein.

I like to keep it as simple (and cheap!) as possible,


P.S. I have a great interview...
Coming out in a couple of newsletters in the near future. You can find one of them in my newsletter at - I was recently interviewed by a trainer from the UK...Part 1 goes out today.

So head over to and sign-up to get your report on "The Dark Side of Cardio"...and you'll also get all the upcoming interview.

"Last night, a male friend of ours called to talk to my husband. My husband wasn't home so we chatted and he said to me "I've got to tell you when I saw you at my sons birthday party I thought to myself, Wow, man she looks terriffic!" He asked me how much weight I had lost and I told him I had lost 32lbs. Everywhere I go, people who I haven't seen in a long time see me and are shocked at my transformation. That, my friend, is what keeps me going to the gym even when I don't want to. For a 37 year old, married, mother of 4 to hear that she looks "hot" or "terriffic" is the ultimate compliment! Your program has completely changed me. I have tone muscles in places I never thought would be tone again! Thank you for your sincere dedication to those of us who want to make a difference in our lives. I wish you lived in my hometown!"
Terri Stuckey, Chardon, Ohio

interval, workout, cardio, aerobics, fat loss, fat loss workouts

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