Saturday, September 23, 2006

Quick Workout Question

Workout Info

Yesterday's BoB workout (Back of Body) workout got a lot of attention and feedback. Here are a couple of quicky Q'n'As, followed by a recommendation that anyone serious about fat loss should consider...

Q: I have just started the TT for Fat Loss Programme last week. Can I do this Back of Body workout 2 days a week on the days I don't do the Fat Loss Manual Workouts or would it affect muscle recovery?

If you only do 1 set per exercise in the BoB workout, then yes, you can follow that schedule of adding the BoB workout to your current plan.

As a reminder, here's the "Back of Your Body" workout routine again - it can be done at home with a bench, a ball, and dumbbells. Do 1-3 sets per exercise.

1A) DB Row (8 reps per set)
1B) Back Extension on Ball (15 reps)

2A) DB RDL (8 reps)
2B) DB Rear-Delt Raise (12 reps)

3A) DB Step-up (10 reps)
3B) Waiter's Bow (15 reps)

Q: Can you explain the motion of 2A) & 2B) & also of 3B) is this like doing good mornings with a straight bar?

2A) You can find a description and photo of the RDL HERE
(while the picture is a barbell RDL, but you can simply use dumbbells in place of the barbell)

2B) You can find the DB Rear-delt raise HERE

And 3B - yes, it is same motion as the Good Morning, but we are using bodyweight only. Also, take one arm and place that hand across your lower back...use it to pinch the skin of your low back. As you lower yourself, stop the motion as soon as the skin slips out of your grip.

In this position, you'll look like a waiter bending forward - holding one hand behind your back - think fancy restaurant waiter, not an Applebee's waiter!

The next Q'n'A comes from an answer I gave on Tom Venuto's new fat loss membership website:

The member's site just opened, but it contains an incredible amount of fat loss info, and an extremely helpful message board group where everyone is friendly - unlike far too many other message boards on the Intraweb.

Browsing through the forums and the posts, the info is incredibly helpful...lots of great tips on how to prepare fat loss meals fast, and great new foods and recipes to try.

And it's only $9.95 per month. That cost is ridiculously low. You can cancel anytime.

If you can't find 10x's the value in a membership to Tom's site, I'd be shocked.

Again, the site is:

Now's here's the Q'n'A I answered...

Q: I have seen two commercials today touting the benefits of EGCG, especially concerning the effects on metabolism. Anyone got some sound information on this? I'm skeptical of anything I see in a commercial, and when I google it, the first websites to come up are for sports supplements which makes me even more skeptical

EGCG is an active compound in Green Tea. It is associated with a slight increase in calorie expenditure over 24 hours.

By slight, I mean that the best study showed an increase of 80 extra calories burned over 24 hours.

In my opinion, this is insignificant, because your body likely adapts to this, and probably won't burn an extra 80 calories tomorrow, and beyond. In fact, you can easily find studies that show caffeine increases metabolism by 100 calories per day, but really, no one is losing body fat because of caffeine.

My general recommendations:
1) Drink Green Tea for health purposes.
2) Eat according to Tom's BTFFTM plan.
3) Dont' waste your money on fat loss pills.

Stay strong! Train safe!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
TT Blog

More questions?

Keep 'em coming,

P.S. I'm running out of time...
Each day, I try and answer your questions as quickly as possible. But...
I'm running out of time between answering Q's and all the other program design, writing, and training that must go on - not too mention some recovery time.

So, I can only promise an answer to your question if you are a TT Member. A small benefit to go along with the incredible, ever-growing list of manuals, workouts, and monthly reports that you get in the members' section.

Click HERE to become a TT Member.

workout, fat loss workout

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