Sunday, September 24, 2006

7-Day Workout Guide - Ab Exercise

Ab Exercise Workout

Last Thursday night I had a craving for some "junk food". It wasn't just a craving that snuck up on me, instead, it was one that had been gnawing at me for a few days. I managed to put it off all last weekend, but by Thursday I was fine with giving in.

I had spent all week enjoying my lean protein, fiber-rich fruit and vegetable meals, and snacking on nuts, organic bison jerky, and more fruits. I really like to eat this way, but...

I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth.

So when I went grocery shopping on Thursday night, I picked up a little grab bag of candy. The type of candy that most people think is disgusting, but still, I like them. Classic caramels.

So after shopping, I went home, and ate a few. Not a disgusting pig-out, just a handful. And that was it. Maybe 100 calories of sugar, and the problem was gone.

Craving over. I still have some left, but I'm not even interested in them anymore. Quite frankly, I'd rather have an apple.

On a regular basis, I probably stick to a 95%-5% eating plan - a little stricter than what Berardi and Mohr recommend when they say stick to your plan 90% of the time.

But I find it easy. I have liked broccoli since I was a kid. I just don't smother it in butter anymore.

I've learned to like, even love, salmon, sweet potatoes, and plain yogurt mixed with peaches, blueberries, and oatmeal. I didn't even have any junk at the Jays-Red Sox game yesterday.

Honestly, I can't understand why anyone would want to eat one of those ball-park hot dogs, at least here in Toronto.

So experiment. Try a new healthy food each week, or preferably each day.

Over time you'll build an arsenal of healthy eats that allow you to enjoyably stick to your fat loss nutrition plan.

If you haven't already, check out Dr. Mohr's TT Nutrition guidelines. He gives you lists of foods to try that you probably have never even heard of. All to help you reach your goals.

Now here are your guidelines for this week to start improving your health and your body.

TT Workout. Unfortunately, sometimes Monday is the worst day of the week. Crazy busy. You get home from work and there's not even 20 minutes of time left for you to do your workout before you have to get ready for tomorrow.

But of course, so you can still do a lot in 10-20 minutes with bodyweight training. If you don't have the manual, simply do the Y-Squat, Prisoner Forward Lunge, Decline Pushup, and Mountain Climber. You can find some of those exercises here.

30 minute of activity. Take some time to read this excellent nutrition article. Dr. John Berardi interviews Dr. Alan Logan about eating for health. I think it clears up a lot of myths and directs you to make the right nutrition choices.

Click HERE for the interview

Add the exercise of the week to today's TT workout. This week, try the Stability Ball Jackknife. You can use this for 8-10 reps in the warm-up, or 15-20 reps at the end of your workout.

30 minutes of activity. Study the TT nutrition guide tonight and start preparing your shopping list for the weekend.

Finish the weekend with a strong TT workout. Do one extra set in your first superset. That will give your body some great metabolic turbulence that will burn more calories and more fat.

30 minutes of exercise with your Social Support Group. Get your bike out of the garage and go for a nice leisurely, stress-reducing ride. It's either spring or fall wherever you live, so it should make for a nice ride.

Plan, shop, and prepare.

Go home and prepare that into easy to carry portable meals that you can take to work. No excuses for bad nutrition. A little time and prep, and you're set.

Stick to the 90-10 rule and you'll succeed.

Live the TT Lifestyle and build the body of your dreams,

Get TT for Fat Loss and start following Dr. Mohr's nutrition plan today.
Click HERE to get started.

abs, ab exercise, workout, fat loss workout

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