Saturday, August 12, 2006

Turbulence Training Week in Review

Hope you lost a ton of fat this week while cranking up your metabolism to new levels.
Each day I post 3 fitness messages on my's the week of posts in review...

I Want a Home Gym!
Secrets to Saving Muscle While Dieting
Hockey Training: Part 4
Turbulence Training Survey
Mile 10
Workout Routine Confusion
Hockey Training Part 3
Tuesday's Workout Routine
Booze & Fat Loss
Hockey Training: Part 2

And now, let me answer one of the most common questions I get by email...

And does Turbulence Training work for women?

Darn right! Check out out these testimonials.

"My husband and I purchased your Turbulence Training program a couple of months ago to use with our clients. As we read your approach to fitness, we agreed with it completely, and were willing to give it a try. I decided that if I was going to train my clients with this program, I needed to do it myself also. Wow! I have been a Certified Personal Trainer for 7 years and I have not seen any other program that works as quickly or effectively.
I recently had my first baby, and have been working to lose the last of the baby weight. I am no couch potato, and I just ran my 5th marathon, but I couldn't seem to get all the weight off- even with training for a marathon. Within 3-4 weeks of doing the Turbulence Training program, I lost the last 8 pounds, and am now happy to be at my pre-pregnancy weight- and stronger than I was before. I increased my protein, tracked all my food intake at, eat much more "raw, natural" foods, did Turbulence Training 3 times a week, and have been doing an extra day or two of cross training to get ready for marathon #6.
The great part is even my clients are seeing results- and quickly. They like the "work harder, but in less time" approach, and I like the full body exercises and core training that I feel is so important for them to get. You have a good thing going here! Thanks for sharing."
Annette Allen

"Last night, a male friend of ours called to talk to my husband. My husband wasn't home so we chatted and he said to me "I've got to tell you when I saw you at my sons birthday party I thought to myself, Wow, man she looks terriffic!" He asked me how much weight I had lost and I told him I had lost 32lbs. Everywhere I go, people who I haven't seen in a long time see me and are shocked at my transformation. That, my friend, is what keeps me going to the gym even when I don't want to. For a 37 year old, married, mother of 4 to hear that she looks "hot" or "terriffic" is the ultimate compliment! Your program has completely changed me. I have tone muscles in places I never thought would be tone again! Thank you for your sincere dedication to those of us who want to make a difference in our lives. I wish you lived in my hometown!"
Terri Stuckey, Chardon, Ohio

TT for fat loss,


P.S. Want to dip your toe in TT?

Pick up my 4-week TT for Women by clicking HERE.

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