Friday, August 11, 2006

I Want a Home Gym!

Home Gym Workout Routines

When I was in grade school, I remember that I wanted to grow up and have my own apartment with a fridge stocked with soda (trust me, that didn't happen).

And then in high school, I wanted to grow up and own a bar (that didn't happen either).

But now that I am older and wiser, I am planning for the day that I will have my own home gym. This is a promise I'm going to keep to myself.

Commercial gyms suck. They suck the hardcore training energy right out of I watch people do fluffy exercises, standing on one leg and curling a light dumbbell in one hand while touching their nose with the other.

And they call that functional training.

And the music...oh, where do they get this music?

Not too mention the hygiene problems that even the cleanest gyms can't get around (I mean what can you do about spreading germs when the purpose of your facility is to get as many people into a small space and have them increase their breathing rate?).

That's why I need to get a home gym. Unfortunately, a home gym requires a home/house. And that's something I don't have I keep planning.

But if you are lucky enough to own your own home gym, and need help picking and choosing the right equipment, then please head on over to pro fitness coach Kyle Battis' website and get the home gym secrets.

Click HERE to discover how easy it is to build your own home gym

Until then, I'll keep doing as many bodyweight workouts in the park as possible,


home gym workout routines


  1. Hi, Craig,

    I've been meaning to post in your blog for awhile but I got wrapped up in my summer course finals. Now that we're done, I have some breathing room.

    I just wanted to comment on your post on home gyms because that's exactly how I'm set up at home. I have a simple, flat, Nautilus weight bench, various dumb bell weights from 5 - 20 lbs, a swiss ball for sit ups, and a trampoline that is just under five feet in diameter. These are the only props I use to stay in shape, while doing your TT workouts, the Turbo Jam workout, and some of the Urban Rebounder workouts.

    Why do I prefer and keep to only a home gym? I used to be a member of a well-known national fitness gym and noticed that every time I went to the gym, I'd be sick 3 days later. Once, while swimming in one of the pools I got really sick from the water that lacked proper sanitation and chlorination. It never failed--I'd work out, then 3 days later I'd be sick. So I quit going. That was 3 years ago. I've rarely been sick since. For the first time in 2 years, I caught a mild cold this year and it lasted only a couple of days. My only symptom was I just felt a little tired.

    So for me, going to a gym is a major turn off and health hazard. Once I get my bar bell, I will be able to really tone up my quads and other muscle groups to my satisfaction. The 20 lb weights feel like feathers after doing full push ups and the other upper body weight exercises you recommend in your TT Training exercises. It will keep me in great shape nonetheless, whether I get the bar bells or none. And your workouts are great for keeping me in shape while I travel and I don't have weights handy to strength train.

    Anyway, keep the posts coming...we all benefit from the information you share...and you're so prolific at it, sometimes posting as many as 3 times a day.

    To health and fitness,

    Elle Donato
