Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday's Chest Workout Routine

Chest Workout Routine

Great late-afternoon training session today. Met my one buddy outside the gym, cracked some jokes, and went in to meet our other training buddy. Both of these guys are pro strength coaches, so I knew it was going to be a great session.

I chose the first exercise...a 3-board press. Since we didn't have boards, we just used a foam roller. (Board press is pictured).

1A) Board Press: Worked up to a 5RM
1B) Y's & T's

2A) Flat DB press (3x10-12)
2B) Rear Delt DB Raises (3x10)

3A) Standing Single Arm Cable Pulls ("Bow & Arrows") 3x12
3B) Barbell Rows (3x15)

A little longer than usual, but we had 3 guys and talked training throughout, so it was all worth.

Click HERE to read an article that includes a photo of the "Single Arm Cable Pulls"

Train hard,


chest workout routine

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