Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Are You a 24-Hour Calorie Burning Machine?

Burn More Calories 24-Hours A Day

With the right exercises, workout routine, and nutrition, you can turn your body into a 24-hour calorie burning machine.

That's the key to a successful fat loss program. You want to burn calories not only in your workout, but to continue burning them after exercise as well. And the best way to do that is not with traditional cardio, but instead, use strength training and interval training.

Post-workout calorie burning is known as "afterburn" or "turbulence". And this is determined by how hard you worked during the workout, not by how long you exercised.

If you workout with weights, use a moderately heavy load that allows you to complete only 8 repetitions per set. If you use bodyweight training, use the more advanced exercises to create the most calorie-burning turbulence in your body.

In a recent workout, I did the following:

1A) Front Squat (3x8)
1B) Back Ext on Ball (3x20)

2A) Deadlift (3x15)
2B) Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated (3x8)

3) Shrug (4x8)

This caused a lot of "turbulence" in my muscles...causing my metabolism to be elevated for hours and hours.


Because the muscle repair response to this workout takes over 24 hours. The same can't be said for low-intensity cardio workouts. They burn calories during training, but not after.

For bodyweight workouts, forget about exercises done on a wobbly board, those are a waste of time. Instead, learn how to do single-leg squats, single-leg deadlifts, and multi-directional lunges (all in the 6-month bodyweight manual).

When lifting dumbbells, your goal should not be "to feel the burn" by using light weights for lots of repetitions. Instead, you should be challenging your muscles with heavier weights. There is no truth to the myth that high-reps will help you lose more fat or get more definition.

In one research study, women that used a weight that allowed only 8 repetitions per set burned more calories after training than they did when they used a lighter weight that allowed for 15 reps per set.

Women have a lot to gain (more calories burned, more fat burned, and more bone density gained) by using a moderately heavier weight.

Lifting makes your body beautiful and your healthy,


P.S. Trainers love Turbulence Training...

A lot of personal trainers have joined the Turbulence Training Member's section so they can get mass-building workouts, female fat loss workout routines, and plenty of bodyweight workouts.

If you want all of these workouts and more, click HERE to become a TT Member.

Or email me for your customer discount.

"Just wanted to let you know my clients and I think the supersets and circuits in the TT Fat Loss and Bodyweight manuals are awesome. I must say it was somewhat of an experiment for me, as a new trainer, because I've been taught "cardio" for fat loss comes first, then strength training, and vise versa for mass building. Now I've got my clients sweating before any "cardio" begins, and they are truly performing better doing the strength-work first."
Lisa Grivers

"Craig, the Turbulence Training Reports are nothing less than outstanding. You've literally taken the best science and mixed in your own experience to create one of the most powerful training systems I've come across, and you know I've done a little bit of reading myself. Most programs that people follow are done on certain level of faith that the "expert" knows what he's talking about. In the reports, not only do you demonstrate your expertise in manipulating body composition or building muscle in the shortest time possible, but you have the research to back it up. The research update on nutrition by itself is worth the price. That alone allows your client to proceed with the utmost confidence in the training program, and that means guaranteed success. Oh, and by the way, you need to charge more. The reports are too valuable to just give away at the current price."
Bill Hartman, CSCS

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