Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Transformation...

Before and afters.


Success stories.

Whatever name they go by, some of them are just plain B.S.

(You know the ones I'm talking about, the questionable transformations you see in supplement ads, NOT the ones done by honest, everyday people).

If you want to know the real deal behind these advertisement Before and Afters, click here to see my transformation pics, story, & tips...

I also want to share with you a Q'n'A from my colleague Brad Pilon, CSCS, who receives the following question almost every day...then see his answer below:

Q: Can you recommend a good fat burner in conjunction w/ diet & exercise if there is such a thing?

From my experiences in the industry, and my work formulating a number of fat burners, I can honestly tell you that I do not believe that a "good" fat burner exists. The key to losing fat is your nutrition program.

The way to speed up the fat loss effects of your nutrition program is with your exercise program. I had the best experiences with Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training for Fat loss workout routine, which I used while I was preparing for a body building show.

I won the show and didn't use any fat loss supplements at Craig's program definitely helped.

Brad Pilon, CSCS
The Muscle-Insider
Click here on for the behind the scenes info on over-priced supplements

I'm sure the supplement companies and magazines don't want you to find out that it's possible to win a fitness or bodybuilding competition without supplements, they just might go out of business!

Nothing beats hard training and proper nutrition,


P.S. Don't miss this transformation...
Click here for both a lesson and a laugh.

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