Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stick With Your Workout Routine

Stick with Your Workout Routine

Every Monday afternoon I take a break from the office and I take the subway from King Street up to College Street here in Toronto.

From there, I leave the underground and walk 5 minutes through a dodgy stretch of Yonge Street in downtown Toronto to attend my weekly Qi-Gong exercise/meditation session.
And the session is tough.

Yes, you would be surprised how tough it can be to simply stand in one spot for upwards of 15 minutes (in our standing meditation pose). You try it!

But, I've stuck with it for over 10 weeks now. And I do daily practice on my own.

It's fair to say that I've been fighting a similar battle that sedentary folk go through when they first start an exercise program...

Or that you might have went through when returning to exercise after a layoff.

You might not want to do it, but you know how good it is for you, and how good you feel after exercise. There are times I don't want to practice my meditation poses, but I look beyond the session at the long-term benefits. That is how I stay consistent and progress every week.

After all, the key to success is to stick with it.

Each week I would learn something new each training session from my instructor. A movement would feel easier. A sequence of moves would click and I'd be able to remember them on my own. An increased feeling of calmness would come after each session.

And yes, there are some days when I just want to skip it. Or go through my practice half-heartedly.

But I know that if I don't do it, I won't achieve the results I want. Plus, and this is big, with each week that goes by, I get better and better and the session becomes less of a chore.

It's the exact same way you might feel about exercise. You might want to skip it, and perhaps you even say you'll do twice as much tomorrow to make up for skipping today.

But you and I both know that rarely happens.

So set aside some time for your exercise. Persevere through the bad days and eventually you'll get to the good days where this becomes a habit.

Eventually you WILL look forward to your daily workouts. I promise you that.

All of the nutrition and training that I write about, that seem so foreign to you now, will become a part of your lifestyle that you won't be able to do without.

And yes, this is why exercise in the morning might be best for you. As life just tends to get in the way later on in the day, so it is probably easier for you to stick to an exercise program that is completed earlier in the day.

So the keys to sticking with it...

1) Focus on the benefits.

2) Focus on the feeling of accomplishment, rather than dreading the effort.

3) Set aside a time when you know you will be able to stick with it. Don't schedule it at a time when you know that your motivation will be low and your distractions will be numerous.

Stay consistent, set goals, and look at the big picture.

You WILL succeed,


P.S. Everything that is difficult can be made easier with perseverance...

When I started my career, it would take long hours and research to write programs, newsletters, and articles. But over time as my skill developed, the time it would take to do each project would decrease.

From that, I have been able to build up a large volume of training manuals and articles for you.

Click here to all of my workout manuals.

"You have been a tremendous source of information and inspiration. Your principles and ideas have helped me make gains in my overall fitness level. Your ideas are refreshing and easy to follow, in an industry that seems to want to stick to the same guidelines. The Turbulence Training report and workouts not only offer a great workout, but also reduces the time in the gym, with the same if not better results than the typical 2 hour workouts, that a father of three needs. In addition, Craig has been instrumental to me and my hockey training. I play in a competitive adult league that can get a bit fierce. The conditioning ideas, specifically the interval training gets me in prime playing shape and can constantly be tweaked to various fitness levels. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication to this field. You are a welcome voice for me and anyone I have shared your ideas with."
Scott Kurland, NYC

"Craig, I am so impressed with how you conduct your business, your professionalism, quality and responsiveness is really unequaled. You are truly the best kept secret in the fitness world."
Bobby Logan, CT

Click here to get your Turbulence Training Membership which includes all of the workouts that I write for the next 12 months.

workout routine

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