Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Alwyn Cosgrove Personal Trainer Secrets

Alwyn Cosgrove Personal Training Secrets

Yesterday, Alwyn Cosgrove published one of his interviews in his newsletter.In my opinion, it was easily the best interview he has ever given...it covered a lot about how he has progressed over the years as a coach.

If you aren't on his newsletter, visit Alwyn Cosgrove's website HERE and sign up immediately

Here is just one of the questions he covered in his interview...

Q: Quick Exercise Grid - what are your top 3 exercises (means) to provide the following adaptations:

Power - DB Jump Shrug, Olympic lift variations, explosive power.

Agility - Running drills - the ability to decelerate a lunge pattern effectively in all three planes

Strength - Heavy loading through the posterior chain and shoulder girdle: squats, deads, dips, chins, rows etc

Speed - Same as the power exercises, but I'd definitely add the deadlift as a starting strength exercise.

****There you go. Excellent info for advanced lifters and all trainers.If you are a trainer just starting out, Alwyn is probably the #1 technical resource that will help you write better programs, faster.

Check out his program design manual here


Alwyn Cosgrove Personal Trainer Secrets

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