Monday, August 28, 2006

Nutrition for Fat Loss

Nutrition for Fat Loss

Every week that goes by I realize that nutrition is more important than training for fat loss.

But overall, that's a good thing. Because in my opinion, eating healthy tastes just as good as the garbage most people eat...and more importantly, you will feel 10x's better when you eat healthy.

Last week while visiting my family, my dad asked me to pick up some chinese food for old time's sakes. My family used to eat this once every other month or so when I was a kid.

But now, I have no desire to eat any of it...far too greasy, deep-fried, and downright disgusting. And it leaves you feeling like crap for hours after. Heck, I felt like crap just thinking about eating it!

Recently, another strength coach and I were talking about a well-known powerlifter's transformation (he lost a lot of fat and started eating healthy again).

My colleague believes once the powerlifter knows how amazing he can feel when he eats healthy, there's no way he can go back to his old lifestyle of fast food for each meal.

Do you feel the same way? Have you been able to eat healthy consistently enough so that you know what it feels like to be alert (without an I.V. drip of caffeine)?

Have you been able to notice the difference in your mental energy from eating properly? Once you do, you'll have less and less desire to return to your poor eating habits of old.

If you need more nutrition help, then you'll love the new Turbulence Training Nutrition Guide for Men & Women - written by Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D.

It's now available to anyone that orders Turbulence Training for Fat Loss, Turbulence Training for Women (the full manual), or the 6-Month Bodyweight Manual.

(Previous customers - you should have received an email with a link to download the new report. If you haven't, please let me know.)

Key things you'll learn...
  • How to calculate your calorie needs (p. 6)
  • Calorie recommendations for obese individuals (p.7)
  • 23 types of sugar (many hidden!) to avoid (p. 9)
  • 20 whole-grain sources to fuel your fat loss program (p9)
  • Over 60 fruits and vegetables that should be added to your diet (p. 10)
  • 16 protein sources you should select most often (p. 13)
  • Shocking trans-fat content of 18 common foods - find out which food is the deadliest in terms of fat content (p. 16)
  • 9 Fat Sources you should select most often (p. 17)
  • Dr. Mohr's 12 Rules for Fat Loss (p. 18)
  • The TT Nutrition Plan for Men (p. 19)
  • The TT Nutrition Plan for Women (p. 23)
  • Bonus Supplement Report: The Truth About Fat Loss Pills (p. 27)
The latest step in the ultimate guide to get more results in less time,


P.S. Dr. Mohr doesn't come cheap...

I had to twist his arm to make him free up some time and I had to shell out a pretty penny for him to write this report. Between consulting with Gatorade, the Washington Redskins, and University of Louisville, Dr. Mohr is a very busy man.

But you get his advice at no cost. I could easily charge $27 for this report, if not more. (Heck that would still be less than 20 times what I paid for Dr. Mohr to put it together...).

But you get this report for nothing! The Turbulence Training Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines e-book is a bonus for you available when you order one of these 3 Turbulence Training e-book packages:

1) Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

2) Turbulence Training for Women (full program)

3) The 6-Month Bodyweight Manual

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