Sunday, August 27, 2006

Alwyn Cosgrove's Fat Loss Secrets

Alwyn Cosgrove's Fat Loss Secrets

Every once in a while you come across a person in their field that is so well-respected, so "on-target" with their work, and so engaging that you can't help but consider them the best in their business.

And right now, in the fitness industry, that person is none other than Alwyn Cosgrove.

In comparison to other personal trainers, Alwyn is at the level of 8th degree black belt, while most of the trainers you'd find in large commercial gyms barely deserve a yellow belt.

Alwyn has an endless list of certifications, but more importantly, he has boiled down complex fitness information into only what is necessary for you to know to succeed.

The Transformation King has written 2 excellent fat loss e-books ('Afterburn' and 'Human Inferno'), and perhaps more importantly, has shared his training methods and know-how in his Professional Program Design Manual and his bodyweight exercise DVD (where I learned some nifty tricks for my bodyweight manual workouts).

Check out Alwyn's books here

And in the meantime, let's hear what the top dog has to say...

CB: So, what's new Alwyn?

We just released Human Inferno - which is a 99 day fat loss program that I co-authored with Chris Mohr - Chris did all the nutrition stuff, whereas I did all the training programs.Other than that I've been on the road a lot.

I was in DC mid January, La Jolla at the end of January, did a seminar in LA last week, and am off to Vegas this week. March I'm in Hilton Head, SC. April I'm in Little Rock, AK I'm also booked through June, July and September doing multiple day events in Long Beach. Rhode Island and Connecticut.

CB: Hey, tell us more about Human Inferno.

Basically it's a day planner for fat loss. 99 days of everything you would need to know to achieve your goals. Literally one page tells you the exercise program for the day, and the other page tells you exactly what to eat. It's a no-brainer step-by-step guide to fat loss.

CB: Your program design manual is getting rave reviews. Why do personal trainers need something like this?

My program design manual I believe is the first product on the market to actually establish a SYSTEM for trainers to use to design programs. Most of the time trainers write essentially exercise "menus".

It also covers the similarities between great programs and how to extract them - instead of focusing on the differences as most people do.

CB: What is the most practical tip you've come across in recent weeks?

I really liked John Berardi's "Compliance Grid" that he wrote about recently.

Basically for 14 days you track everything you eat: six meals per day, plus a workout shake.
The idea is that if you miss a meal, or eat a non supportive meal - you still track it. It's a great tool to track how consistent you are.

A lot of people tell me that they are on a plateau and need a change in their program, yet when we go over the compliance grid, we see that they are only following their plan 60% of the time.
This is the most valuable tool I've seen recently.

CB: Cool, I think that would help a lot of TT readers. What about your book, The New Rules of Lifting, what's it all about? New rules?

The New Rules of Lifting is essentially a beginners guide to fitness training.
However, there hasn't been a beginner's guide to training that covers the latest findings and research until now. Most fitness books of this type are still based on hyperbole and outdated methods.

CB: Oh, I get it...nice. I've only made it through the first couple of chapters, but you and Lou have made it a great read so far. Lou definitely has a way with words to make any topic an easy, enjoyable read.

Strongly recommending Alwyn Cosgrove as your fitness mentor,


Click here for more Cosgrove

alwyn cosgrove fat loss

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