Thursday, August 03, 2006

No Limits

In the 1920's and 30's, women were prevented from participating in some Olympic sports, as well as marathons, because "medical experts" were worried that all the running would damage the woman's reproductive organs.

Sounds silly, doesn't it?

We sure have come a long way in the exercise world, or have we?

Sometimes I wonder.

Too often I read fitness articles for women that simply refuse to respect a woman's ability to perform exercises traditionally performed by males.

The magazine or Internet article will suggest leg machines, and lying leg raises of all sorts, but the article just won't acknowledge that a woman could get the same results from a single 'traditional' exercise such as the squat.

After all these years, the fitness industry is putting limits on what females can expect to accomplish...or how hard they could be expected to train.

And that puts a limit on your RESULTS.

Now I'm saying that every man, woman, and child should be squatting 300 pounds for 3 sets of 8.

But I do think that every man and woman able to do bodyweight squats, diagonal lunges, spiderman pushups, and chin-ups should be doing them.

Remember, the harder exercises get you more results.

Fortunately for you, the Turbulence Training programs show women, and men, how to get the most results in the least amount of time, and I put no limits on what you can accomplish.

But neither should you. Don't limit yourself!

Unfortunately, far too many of the emails I receive focus on the individual's self-imposed physical limits.

Now, have you ever heard of Systema - the Russian Martial Art?Both my Qi-Gong instructor and my good friend & breathing specialist Dan Brown are both students of Systema.On Monday night, I started watching a video that Dan lent to me called, Systema: Hand to Hand, a DVD on hand-to-hand combat.

It's very interesting, and entertaining - amazing to watch the graceful ease with which the instructor repelled attacks.(Visit their website, its packed full of interesting products and reviews.

Now one of the most notable comments from the instructor in the video was that up until age 40, a man can continue increasing his strength, but after that, he must rely more on technique, because the body breaks down easier with age.

Now obviously this age will vary between individuals, but I was happy to hear that he said 40.

Not 30. And not 25 like many people believe.

Each week I'm sincerely disappointed in the number of emails I get from men and women younger than me, complaining that they are old, their bodies are breaking down, and they are not sure if they can do tough exercise.

Give me a break. I'm 31 and I could kick the crap out of my 21-year old self in most aspects of strength and fitness.

I can't believe that some people resign their fitness lives to end at 21. You should just be getting started!

If you have been training continuously all of your life, then I agree with the Systema instructor - then you'll get stronger and fitter till at least the age of 40. And maybe even beyond. And you'll be able to maintain very high levels of strength and fitness well into your 80's...and hopefully longer!

On the other hand, if you have been out of exercise for years, then you can continue to get stronger and fitter for many, many years to come - no matter what your age.

Just take a look at the incredible examples in the book: Fit Over 40. Click HERE to read about these success stories

But instead, people get soft and put limits on themselves. This happens not just here in North America, but all over the world.

We need to stop taking the easy way out. If you want results, you have to work hard.

Fortunately, you don't have to work as long and as often as people traditionally expect, but you do have to work hard. Strength train with intense supersets, and do intervals, and you'll get maximum results in minimum time.

Take a lesson from the Russians at Systema, and keep on training and improving to age 40 and beyond.

And women, don't let anyone set limits on you,


P.S. Ladies, if you haven't picked up your new 4-week TT for Women program, grab it HERE.

P.P.S. If you want to be challenged and to push your limits for the next 12 months...
Grab your TT Membership today.

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