Monday, August 14, 2006

Monday's Squat Workout Routine

Squat Workout Routine

Today's workout was tough. Took me a couple of hours after to fully recover...lots of volume for both the lower body (when you take into account all the warm-up sets for the squat) and total body movements for the abs. Even my arms were shaking a little from the cable ab crunches.

1A) Medium Squat (3x4) [not bad...lots of warmup sets of 1-2 reps]
1B) Plank (2x120s)
2A) Good Morning (3x10)
2B) Kneeling Cable Crunch (2x20) ==> pictured
3A) Ball GHR (3x10)
3B) Cable Chop (2x15)

Turbulence Training = good times,


squat workout routine

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