Monday, August 14, 2006

Home Gym Secrets Teleseminar - You Are Invited!

Home Gym Secrets Teleseminar

skip the health club, go home

I see too many people going tothe gym and getting NO results.

So, I want you to know about a special tele-class coming this week that I will tell you more about in a minute...

Back to that soon, but before I tell you more, let's chat about'results.' It was once said that "if you do what everyone else does, you'll get the results everyone else gets."


The problem with doing what everyoneelse does when it comes to fitness are that;

--MOST people get crappy results...

--MOST people go to the gym to 'workout' on the cardio machines...

--MOST people 'do the machines'...

--MOST people wander around their health club aimlessly without a plan...

--MOST health clubs are set up to make money for the health club and NOT to make sure that you achieve the fitness results you are looking for...

--MOST people don't even have time in their busy schedules to go to the gym...

For those reasons and more I recommend that you skip the health club and go train in your own home:


You're in luck, becasue this Thursday afternoon the author of Home Gym Secrets and creator of the 'Ask The Fitness Expert' teleseminar series Kyle Battis, and I are going to be revealing our very best training tips and techniques on how to:

-> Build an effecive home gym...

-> Get lean training at home with bodyweight exercises!

-> Discover what equipment actually has value...

-> Fit home gym workouts into your schedule no matter how busy you are!

-> Achieve a lean and strong physique in the comfort of your own home...

-> Save thousands of dollars in gym memberships and crappy equipment purchases!

-> And much, much more!


This call is going to be jam-packed withinformation. Kyle and I are both huge advocates of Home Gym Training and Thursday afternoon we are going to be telling all! We are also planning on answering YOUR tophome gym training question (we can only takethe first 99 questions so be sure to sign upright now so that we might answer it for you).

Once again, the call will be this Thursday afternoon at 3:00 EST.

Go sign up now so that we can fill your head with some of the best training tips that we possess.

We are planning on giving you EVERYTHING we have to ensure your success so be sure to sign up right away...

===> (we only have 248 spots for this call and this e-mail is going out to THOUSANDS of people on Kyle's and my e-mail lists)

Grab your seat today and Kyle and I will be chatting with you very soon,

Craig Ballantyne

PS-This 'Home Gym Secrets' call is going to rock!

Whether you have a home gym or not we will teach you tricks that you can use immediately to improve your fitness results! Be warned: Space is limited! Grab your spot now: ===>

home gym secrets

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