Friday, August 04, 2006

Fridays Workout

Nice and quiet in the gym, except for the guy in flipflops. What are you doing wearing flip-flops in the gym?

Couple of things in the gym that deserve mention:

1) Narrow-grip Upright Rows - These are going to hurt your shoulders in the long run. Don't do them.

2) Doing nothing but "core training"/"functional training". - Eventually you are going to have to do some work if you want to change your body. There is a place for single-leg balancing exercises, but if your entire 60 minute training session consists of nothing but single leg balance variations, you will not end up changing your body. Eventually you'll have to do some real work if you want results.

Today's workout for me:

DB Split Squat (3x6)
Good Morning (3x15) ---- pictured
BG SS (3x15)
BXOB (3x20)
Shrug (3x12)
Cable Lift (3x15)

That completes another 3 week phase. Going to get more heavy squatting and pressing in next round, as well as focusing on one exercise I hate: The Front Squat. It will be in their for reps on the second lower body day.


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