Saturday, August 05, 2006

Common Nutrition Mistakes

Here's an old Q'n'A from the Archives that will help you bust through your fat loss plateaus...

Q: What are some common nutrition problems that will prevent fat loss?


I often ask clients to enter their food intake on to allow both of us to evaluate their nutrition. Common problems that I see are:

1. Too many treats per day. As one client said, "I still have one treat per day such as chips, a chocolate bar, a donut, or a rib sub each day, and sometimes I skip breakfast. But other than that, I think it is pretty good." Truth is, that is NOT pretty good. If you are trying to lose fat, then you will have a difficult time. You can't have that many treats.

2. Skipping breakfast.

3. Not eating enough fiber.

4. Not eating lean protein and low-glycemic, low-fat carbohydrate sources.

5. Not eating all day, and then eating a huge dinner.

1. Set the tone with the first meal of the day by consuming a lean protein source and high-fiber, low-glycemic carbohydrates. Fiber at this meal will help control blood sugar over the morning and can help modify appetite at subsequent meals.

2. Consume mini-meals to prevent starvation-induced meal binges and energy slumps.

3. Choose snacks that contain protein and fiber, such as almonds.

4. Keep your dinner moderate, and avoid high-calorie feasts.

5. Consume calorie-free beverages, preferably Green Tea or water.

6. Consume at least the recommended amount of fiber through vegetables, fruits, almonds, etc. But start adding fiber to your diet slowly and drink more water.

7. Try to improve your nutrition each day. This will help get you into healthy eating habits. Be consistent with your training and nutrition, and you'll get results.

For more fat loss nutrition info, I recommend:

1) John Berardi, Ph.D. & his Precision Nutrition System
Chris Mohr, Ph.D.

Nutrition determines at least 51% of your success,


P.S. The updated TT Nutrition Guidelines are almost done...

The brand spanking new chapter and guidelines from Dr. Chris Mohr are almost ready.

The new guidelines for male and female fat loss nutrition will be available for all customers that have purchased the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss manual.

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