Thursday, July 13, 2006

How Fast is Your Mile?

In todays workout, I did:
  • Barbell Lunges
  • Cable Chops
  • Good Mornings
  • Shrugs
  • Glute Ham Raises on the Ball
But then, inspired by Adam Campbell's "Mile Run" blog over at Men's Health, I ran a mile at a pretty decent pace.

1 mile = 6:31

(But I cheated. Because I ran on a treadmill. The general rule when running on a treadmill...if you want to equate treadmill running to road running, you should use a 1% incline grade - which I didn't - this time.)

Anyways, check out Adam's blog to learn about his training plan to run a 5-minute mile.

I don't have the same lofty goal as Adam, but I wouldn't mind getting my mile under 6 minute.

And I am going to use the same plan as him.

Check it out,


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