Thursday, July 13, 2006

Attention All Trainers! And future trainers...

If you've spent years of your life learning about the body, how it works, what to feed it, and how to train it, then there is no doubt that you are an excellent trainer.

But even if you are the best trainer in your gym, there is no guarantee that you are being paid what you deserve.

And that's simply because you haven't had the time to commit to building your business skills.

It has been said that it takes 1000 hours to master a skill. But much less if you have a mentor.

So what if I told you that you could get mentored by 17 of the industry's top trainers, all at once?

My friend Patrick Rigsby has just released a book that is going to help thousands of trainers improve their business and finally get paid what they deserve.

Let me introduce you to the Fitness Riches e-book - where 17 of the Fitness Industry's Top Pros Share Their Most Closely Guarded Business-Building and Profit-Producing Secrets.

And let me tell you, if you are a trainer, a gym owner, or even a "future" trainer or gym owner, you will get your money's worth and much, much more simply from Alwyn Cosgrove's chapter alone.

Alwyn is a legend in the personal training industry, and believe me, the information that Alwyn gives you will pay for this book the first time you put his strategies to work (and still leave you with plenty of cash to keep in your pockets).

And that says nothing of the 16 other expert's and their chapters in the book that will help you make more money and more importantly, help more people.If there is one thing about the personal trainer industry, it's that it is filled with honest-to-goodness people that just want to help others.

But because of this quality, many trainers are hesitant to make the money they deserve, and as a result end up working 12-15 hour days just to make ends meet - even though your clients will say over and over again that your services are priceless!

So do yourself a favor, pick up this it between clients, and you'll find dozens of ways to help your business.Whether you are a seasoned fitness professional or just getting started as a personal trainer, you need a mentor to make the process easier.

Click here to get your Trainer's Success Guide

Here's just a little bit of the information you will find in this 230+ page e-book:

* Alwyn Cosgrove's foolproof system for running a highly profitable training business.

* Kelli Calabrese's strategies for earning money as an online trainer.

* Bill Hartman's approach to taking a niche market and turning it into a goldmine.

* Eric Ruth's unbelievable (and easy) lead generation system.

* Even some guy named Craig Ballantyne's tips for creating a popular fitness website and newsletter system that allows you to help thousands of clients each day.

And so much more.

So spend a little time improving your own life, in addition to improving the lives of so many others each day. Your family will thank you for it, when you are able to spend more time with them each day.

Click here to get your Trainer's Success Guide

Here's to your improvement,


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